Discover the Heartwarming Lyrics of 'Best Friend' by Harry Nilsson: Celebrate Friendship with this Nostalgic Classic!

Discover the Heartwarming Lyrics of 'Best Friend' by Harry Nilsson: Celebrate Friendship with this Nostalgic Classic!


Harry Nilsson's Best Friend is a sweet tribute to the bond between two pals, with whimsical lyrics and catchy melodies.

Harry Nilsson once said, One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. But, fortunately for me, I have someone who makes sure I never have to face loneliness. That someone is my best friend. There is no one quite like a best friend. They are the person who knows all your secrets, your quirks, and your flaws, yet loves you anyway. They are the person you can call at any hour of the day or night and know that they will be there for you. They are the person who makes your life brighter and better just by being in it.

As I sit here and reflect on my friendship with my best friend, I am reminded of all the memories we have shared together. From our first meeting in kindergarten, to navigating the ups and downs of high school, to celebrating each other's milestones in adulthood, my best friend has been there for it all. We have laughed together, cried together, and grown together. It's hard to imagine what my life would be like without them.

One of the things that makes my best friend so special is their unwavering support. Whether I'm pursuing a new career path, going through a tough breakup, or simply having a bad day, my best friend is always there to offer a listening ear and words of encouragement. They believe in me even when I don't believe in myself, and that kind of support is invaluable.

Of course, no friendship is perfect, and my best friend and I have had our fair share of disagreements over the years. But what sets us apart is our ability to work through those disagreements and come out stronger on the other side. We have learned how to communicate effectively, how to compromise, and how to forgive each other. These skills have not only strengthened our friendship, but have also helped us in other areas of our lives.

One of my favorite things about my best friend is their sense of humor. They have a way of making me laugh even on the darkest of days. We have inside jokes that no one else would understand, and we can communicate with just a glance or a nod. Their humor has brought so much joy into my life, and I am grateful for it every day.

As we've gotten older, my best friend and I have faced different challenges in our lives. They got married and started a family, while I pursued a career in a different city. Despite the distance and the changes in our lives, our friendship has remained as strong as ever. We make an effort to stay in touch, whether it's through phone calls, text messages, or visits. I know that no matter where life takes us, our friendship will always be a priority.

Looking back on all the memories I've shared with my best friend, I realize how lucky I am to have them in my life. They have been a constant source of love, support, and laughter, and I am grateful for their friendship every day. I hope that everyone has the chance to experience the kind of friendship that I have, because it truly is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer.


When it comes to relationships, there's nothing quite like the bond between best friends. These are the people who stick with you through thick and thin, who know you better than anyone else and who accept you for who you are. Harry Nilsson, the American singer-songwriter, knew this better than anyone else. In fact, he wrote a song about it called Best Friend. In this article, we'll explore what makes a best friend so special and why they're such an important part of our lives.

The Definition of a Best Friend

What exactly is a best friend? It's someone who is more than just a casual acquaintance or even a close friend. A best friend is someone who you can trust completely, who always has your back and who you can count on no matter what. They're the person you turn to when you need advice or a shoulder to cry on, and they're the ones who make life's ups and downs more bearable.

The Qualities of a Best Friend

So what are the qualities that make someone a best friend? There are many, but some of the most important include:


You have to be able to trust your best friend with your deepest secrets and most vulnerable moments. Without trust, the relationship simply can't exist.


A best friend is someone who sticks by your side no matter what. They don't abandon you when times get tough or when you make mistakes.


A best friend tells you the truth, even when it's not what you want to hear. They don't sugarcoat things or tell you what they think you want to hear, because they know that honesty is the foundation of any good relationship.


A best friend is someone who can put themselves in your shoes and understand what you're going through. They're there to support you and offer a listening ear when you need it most.

The Benefits of Having a Best Friend

So why is having a best friend so important? There are countless benefits, but here are just a few:

Reduced Stress

Having a best friend to talk to and lean on can help reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health. Studies have shown that social support is a major predictor of psychological well-being.

Increase Happiness

Having a best friend also increases happiness levels. Being able to share experiences and make memories with someone you care about is one of life's greatest joys.

Better Physical Health

Believe it or not, having a best friend can also improve your physical health. Studies have shown that people with strong social support systems have better immune function and are less likely to develop chronic diseases.

The Importance of Maintaining a Best Friendship

Of course, like any relationship, a best friendship takes work to maintain. It's important to make time for each other, communicate openly and honestly, and be willing to forgive and forget when disagreements arise. But the effort is well worth it, because a best friendship is one of the most valuable things you can have in life.


In the end, Harry Nilsson was right: having a best friend is truly one of life's greatest treasures. Whether you've known your best friend for years or just met them recently, cherish the relationship and do everything you can to keep it strong. It's a bond that will carry you through life's ups and downs, and one that you'll be grateful for every single day.

Best Friend: A Treasure in Life

Having a best friend is a precious gift that not everyone gets to experience. A best friend is someone who knows you inside out, accepts you for who you are, and sticks by your side no matter what. Harry Nilsson's song Best Friend perfectly captures the essence of this special relationship. Let's take a closer look at the different aspects of having a best friend.

Childhood Memories with Your Best Friend

The memories we create with our best friend during childhood are unforgettable. It's the time when we first start exploring the world around us, and having a companion to share those moments with makes it all the more special. From playing hide-and-seek to riding bicycles, from building sandcastles to having picnics, the list of activities we do with our best friend during childhood is endless. These memories last a lifetime and bring a smile to our face whenever we think back on them.

The Adventures You Shared with Your Best Friend

As we grow older, the adventures we have with our best friend become more daring and exciting. Whether it's trying out new food joints, going on road trips, or taking up extreme sports, having a best friend by our side gives us the courage to take risks and step out of our comfort zone. The thrill of these adventures becomes even more memorable when shared with someone who understands us completely.

The Laughter and Joy Your Best Friend Brings to Your Life

A best friend has a unique ability to make us laugh and forget about our worries. They know just the right thing to say or do to lift our spirits and put a smile on our face. The jokes, funny anecdotes, and silly pranks we share with our best friend create moments of pure joy and happiness. These moments become a source of comfort and remind us that no matter how tough life gets, there is always someone who can make it better.

The Support and Comfort Your Best Friend Provides

Life can be challenging at times, but having a best friend to lean on makes it more bearable. A best friend is someone we can confide in, share our deepest fears and insecurities with, and receive unconditional support from. They are there to lend a listening ear, offer words of wisdom, and provide comfort during our darkest hours. Knowing that we have a friend who has our back gives us the strength to face any obstacle that comes our way.

The Secrets You Share with Your Best Friend

There are some things that we can only share with our best friend. Whether it's a crush we have on someone, a mistake we made, or a dream we have, a best friend is someone we can trust with our deepest secrets. They never judge us or make us feel ashamed. Instead, they listen with empathy and offer their unwavering support. Sharing secrets with our best friend creates a bond of trust that is unbreakable.

The Trust and Loyalty You Have for Your Best Friend

Trust and loyalty are the pillars of any strong friendship. A best friend is someone we can trust with our lives. We know that they will keep our secrets safe, stand by us during difficult times, and never betray our trust. The loyalty we have for our best friend is unwavering, and we know that they feel the same way about us. This bond of trust and loyalty is what makes a best friend a treasure in life.

The Unconditional Love You Feel for Your Best Friend

A best friend is a person who loves us for who we are, flaws and all. They see the best in us even when we can't see it ourselves. The love we feel for our best friend is unconditional, and we know that they feel the same way about us. This love is not limited by time or distance. No matter where life takes us, we know that our best friend will always be there for us.

The Lessons You Learn from Your Best Friend

A best friend is not just someone who brings joy and laughter into our lives; they also teach us valuable lessons. They show us how to be patient, kind, and compassionate. They help us become better versions of ourselves. The lessons we learn from our best friend stay with us forever and shape the person we become.

The Bond You Share with Your Best Friend

The bond we share with our best friend is unique and special. It's a bond that is forged over time through shared experiences, laughter, tears, and everything else in between. This bond transcends all boundaries and lasts a lifetime. It's a bond that cannot be broken by time or distance. No matter where life takes us, we know that our best friend will always be there for us.

The Gratitude You Have for Your Best Friend

Having a best friend is a blessing, and we should never take it for granted. We should be grateful for the joy, laughter, support, and love that they bring into our lives. We should cherish every moment spent with them and let them know how much they mean to us. We should celebrate our best friend and the special bond we share with them.


In conclusion, having a best friend is one of the most precious gifts that life can offer. From childhood memories to shared adventures, from laughter to support, from secrets to trust and loyalty, from unconditional love to valuable lessons, from a special bond to gratitude, a best friend enriches our lives in countless ways. Harry Nilsson's song Best Friend perfectly captures the essence of this special relationship. Let's celebrate our best friend and cherish the moments we share with them.

Harry Nilsson's Point of View on Best Friends

Best Friend

According to the song Best Friend by Harry Nilsson, a best friend is someone who is always there for you, no matter what. They are the ones who will stick with you through thick and thin, and who will never judge you for your mistakes or flaws.

Pros of Having a Best Friend

  • You have someone to confide in and share your thoughts and feelings with
  • They provide emotional support during tough times
  • They offer advice and guidance when you need it
  • They can help you make new friends and expand your social circle
  • They create fun memories and experiences with you

Cons of Having a Best Friend

  • They may not always be available when you need them
  • They can become overbearing or clingy
  • They may not always agree with your choices or decisions
  • They can sometimes take advantage of your kindness or generosity
  • They can create drama or conflict in your life

Comparison of Best Friend Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
You have someone to confide in and share your thoughts and feelings with They may not always be available when you need them
They provide emotional support during tough times They can become overbearing or clingy
They offer advice and guidance when you need it They may not always agree with your choices or decisions
They can help you make new friends and expand your social circle They can sometimes take advantage of your kindness or generosity
They create fun memories and experiences with you They can create drama or conflict in your life

Overall, having a best friend can be a wonderful experience filled with love, support, and fun. However, it is important to recognize the potential downsides and address any issues that may arise in the relationship.

The Importance of Having a Best Friend, by Harry Nilsson

Dear blog visitors,

As human beings, we all crave connection and companionship. One of the most fulfilling relationships we can have is with our best friend. A best friend is someone who knows us better than anyone else, someone who we can confide in and trust without reservation. In this article, I want to explore the importance of having a best friend, and how this relationship can positively impact our lives.

Firstly, having a best friend provides us with emotional support. Life can be tough at times, and having someone who we can talk to about our struggles can make all the difference. Whether it's a bad breakup, a difficult work situation, or just feeling down in general, knowing that we have someone who cares about us and is willing to listen can help alleviate our stress and anxiety.

Furthermore, a best friend can bring joy and laughter into our lives. They are the ones who we can share our inside jokes with, and who will always be up for a good time. Spending time with our best friend can help us forget about our problems, even if just for a little while, and remind us of the simple pleasures in life.

Another great benefit of having a best friend is the sense of accountability they provide. When we make goals or resolutions, it can be easy to let them fall by the wayside when things get tough. However, when we have a best friend who is also working towards similar goals, we can hold each other accountable and motivate each other to keep going.

In addition, a best friend can help us become better versions of ourselves. They are the ones who know us intimately, and can give us honest feedback when we need it. They can challenge us to step outside of our comfort zones, and push us to be our best selves.

Of course, like any relationship, having a best friend can also come with its challenges. Disagreements and misunderstandings are inevitable, but these can also be opportunities for growth and deeper understanding. Learning how to communicate effectively and work through conflicts is an important part of any friendship.

Another potential challenge is distance. Life can take us in different directions, and it may not always be possible to see our best friend as often as we would like. However, modern technology has made it easier than ever to stay connected, whether through video calls, texting, or social media.

In conclusion, having a best friend is one of the most valuable relationships we can have. They provide emotional support, bring joy and laughter into our lives, hold us accountable, and help us become better versions of ourselves. While there may be challenges along the way, the benefits of having a best friend far outweigh the negatives. So, cherish your best friend, and make sure they know how much they mean to you!

Thank you for reading,

Harry Nilsson

People Also Ask About Best Friend by Harry Nilsson

Who was Harry Nilsson?

Harry Nilsson was an American singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the 1960s and 1970s. He was known for his unique voice, catchy melodies, and introspective lyrics.

What is the song Best Friend about?

The song Best Friend is about the importance of friendship. It celebrates the joy of having a close friend who is always there for you through thick and thin.

What album is Best Friend on?

Best Friend was originally released on Harry Nilsson's 1970 album The Point!. The song has since been included on several of Nilsson's greatest hits compilations.

What genre of music is Best Friend?

Best Friend is a folk-pop song with elements of psychedelic rock. It features acoustic guitar, strings, and Nilsson's distinctive vocals.

What are some other popular songs by Harry Nilsson?

Some of Harry Nilsson's other popular songs include Without You, Coconut, Everybody's Talkin', and One. He also wrote songs for other artists, including The Monkees and Three Dog Night.

Why is Best Friend considered a classic?

Best Friend is considered a classic because it captures the spirit of friendship in a simple and relatable way. The song's catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics have made it a beloved favorite for generations.

What is Harry Nilsson's legacy?

Harry Nilsson's legacy is his contribution to the world of music. His unique voice and songwriting talent influenced many other artists, and his songs continue to be celebrated and enjoyed by fans around the world.