Dominate the Arena with the Best PvP Class in Lineage 2 Revolution: Our Top Picks

Dominate the Arena with the Best PvP Class in Lineage 2 Revolution: Our Top Picks


Discover the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution and dominate the battlefield with your skills and strategic gameplay. Choose wisely!

Lineage 2 Revolution is an MMORPG game that has been gaining popularity among gamers since its release in 2017. The game offers a wide range of classes for the players to choose from, and each class has its unique abilities and specialties. However, when it comes to PvP battles, some classes tend to perform better than others. In this article, we will be discussing the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution.

Before we dive into the specifics, it's important to understand what PvP means in Lineage 2 Revolution. PvP stands for Player versus Player, where players fight against each other in real-time battles. These battles can take place in various locations and can range from one-on-one duels to large-scale battles involving multiple players.

The best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution is the Blade Dancer. This class is known for its high damage output and mobility. The Blade Dancer is a melee fighter that uses dual swords to deal devastating blows to its opponents. Its specialty lies in its ability to quickly close the gap between itself and the opponent, making it difficult for the enemy to land a hit.

One of the Blade Dancer's most notable skills is the Cyclone Slash. This skill allows the Blade Dancer to spin around with its swords, hitting all enemies within range. Cyclone Slash deals massive damage and can take out multiple enemies at once, making it a powerful tool in PvP battles.

The Blade Dancer also has access to various crowd control skills, such as Stunning Strike and Sonic Blaster. These skills can stun or silence the enemy, giving the Blade Dancer an opportunity to land critical hits and deal more damage.

Another advantage of the Blade Dancer is its ability to dodge attacks. The class has several skills that allow it to avoid incoming attacks, such as Shadow Step and Evasive Dance. These skills can be used to dodge enemy attacks and create openings for the Blade Dancer to strike.

However, it's important to note that the Blade Dancer is not invincible. The class has low defense and health points, making it vulnerable to attacks from heavy hitters. Additionally, the Blade Dancer's skills have long cooldowns, so players need to time their attacks and dodges carefully.

Players who prefer a more ranged approach may find that the Hawkeye class suits them better in PvP battles. The Hawkeye is an archer class that specializes in dealing damage from a distance. This class has a variety of skills that allow it to keep enemies at bay while dealing massive damage.

The Hawkeye's most notable skill is the Triple Shot. This skill allows the Hawkeye to fire three arrows at once, hitting multiple enemies or dealing massive damage to a single target. Additionally, the Hawkeye has access to skills that can slow down or root enemies, making it easier to land shots.

Another advantage of the Hawkeye is its ability to attack from high ground. The class has skills that allow it to jump to elevated locations, giving it a strategic advantage over enemies on the ground.

However, like the Blade Dancer, the Hawkeye has its weaknesses. The class has low health points and defense, making it vulnerable to attacks from melee classes. Additionally, the Hawkeye's skills have long cooldowns, so players need to time their attacks carefully.

In conclusion, the Blade Dancer and Hawkeye are two of the best PvP classes in Lineage 2 Revolution. Both classes have their strengths and weaknesses, and players should choose the class that suits their playstyle best. Whether you prefer up close and personal combat or a more ranged approach, Lineage 2 Revolution offers a variety of classes to choose from for your PvP battles.


Lineage 2 Revolution is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that has been attracting players from all over the world since its release. The game offers a wide range of classes that players can choose from, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. PvP (Player versus Player) is an essential part of the game, and players are always looking for the best class to play in this mode. In this article, we will discuss the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution.

The Best PvP Class

After extensive research and analysis, we have concluded that the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution is the Blade Dancer. This class has been a favorite among players for a long time, and for good reason. The Blade Dancer is a melee fighter that excels in close combat. They have high damage output and excellent mobility, making them a formidable opponent in PvP battles.


The Blade Dancer has a diverse range of skills that make them a force to be reckoned with. One of their most potent skills is Cyclone Slash, which deals massive damage to all enemies in front of them. This skill is especially useful in group PvP battles where multiple enemies are present. Another useful skill is Moonlight Slash, which deals damage and provides a small heal to the Blade Dancer. This skill allows them to sustain themselves in prolonged battles.


To excel in PvP battles, it is essential to have the right equipment. The Blade Dancer should focus on acquiring gear that enhances their damage output and survivability. A good weapon is crucial, as it determines the amount of damage the Blade Dancer can deal. They should also focus on acquiring armor that provides them with additional defense and HP.


A successful PvP battle is not just about having the right skills and equipment; it is also about strategy. The Blade Dancer should focus on targeting enemy healers and ranged attackers first, as they are the most vulnerable. They should also be mindful of their positioning and avoid getting surrounded by enemies. Their high mobility allows them to move quickly around the battlefield and avoid attacks.

Other PvP Classes

While the Blade Dancer is undoubtedly the best PvP class, other classes can also perform well in this mode. Here are some other classes that can hold their own in PvP battles:


The Spellhowler is a ranged DPS class that excels in dealing damage from afar. They have a wide range of spells, including crowd control abilities that can disable enemies. A skilled Spellhowler can take down opponents before they even get close.

Phantom Ranger

The Phantom Ranger is another ranged DPS class that can deal massive damage from a distance. They have excellent mobility and can kite enemies, making them difficult to catch. Their skills also provide them with additional buffs, making them a valuable asset to any team.

Shillien Knight

The Shillien Knight is a tank class that can absorb a lot of damage while dealing decent damage themselves. They have a range of skills that allow them to taunt enemies, drawing their attention away from their teammates. The Shillien Knight is an excellent choice for players who prefer a defensive playstyle.


In conclusion, the Blade Dancer is the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution due to its high damage output, mobility, and diverse range of skills. However, other classes can also perform well in PvP battles, depending on the player's playstyle and preferences. Regardless of the class, having the right equipment and strategy is crucial to success in PvP battles. Choose your class wisely and dominate the battlefield!

Understanding the Importance of Choosing the Right PvP Class in Lineage 2 Revolution

Choosing the right PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution is crucial for dominating in battles. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding them can help you choose the perfect class that fits your playstyle. In this article, we'll discuss the top PvP classes in Lineage 2 Revolution and how to assess your playstyle to determine which class suits you best.

How to Assess Your Playstyle to Determine the Best PvP Class for You

Before choosing a PvP class, it's essential to assess your playstyle. Do you prefer to play solo or with a group? Are you more comfortable with close combat or ranged attacks? Do you like to support your team or deal damage? These questions will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and choose a class accordingly.

Top PvP Classes for Solo Players in Lineage 2 Revolution

Solo players need a class that can handle themselves in battles. The top PvP classes for solo players are Blade Dancer, Abyss Walker, and Phantom Ranger.Blade Dancers are great for solo PvP due to their high mobility, evasion, and critical hit rate. They can easily dodge attacks and deal massive damage to opponents.Abyss Walkers are also excellent for solo PvP due to their stealth ability, which allows them to sneak up on enemies and deal critical damage. They have high burst damage and can quickly take down opponents.Phantom Rangers are ranged attackers, making them perfect for solo PvP. They can kite opponents from a distance and deal critical damage with their arrows.

Best PvP Classes for Group Play and Team Battles

In group play and team battles, you need a class that can support your team and deal damage. The best PvP classes for group play are Warlord, Bishop, and Spellsinger.Warlords are tanks that can absorb damage and protect their team. They have high HP and defense, making them difficult to take down. They can also deal decent damage and stun opponents.Bishops are healers that can keep their team alive in battles. They can heal, buff, and resurrect their teammates, making them an essential part of any team.Spellsingers are ranged attackers that can deal massive damage to opponents. They can also crowd control with their spells, making them great for team battles.

The Benefits of Choosing a Tank Class for PvP in Lineage 2 Revolution

Choosing a tank class for PvP in Lineage 2 Revolution has several benefits. Tanks have high HP and defense, making them difficult to take down. They can also absorb damage and protect their team, allowing their teammates to focus on dealing damage.Warlords and Paladins are the two main tank classes in Lineage 2 Revolution. Warlords have high HP and defense and can stun opponents. Paladins, on the other hand, can heal themselves and their team, making them great for both offense and defense.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Choosing a Damage Dealer Class for PvP

Damage dealers are essential in PvP battles as they can deal massive damage to opponents. However, they also have their advantages and disadvantages.The advantages of choosing a damage dealer class are that they can quickly take down opponents and help their team win battles. They are also great for solo play as they can deal damage from a distance.The disadvantages of choosing a damage dealer class are that they have low HP and defense, making them vulnerable to attacks. They also require support from tanks and healers to survive in battles.

How to Master the Art of Kiting with Ranged PvP Classes

Ranged PvP classes like Phantom Rangers and Spellsingers can kite opponents from a distance, making it difficult for them to attack. Kiting requires good mobility and timing.To master the art of kiting, you need to keep your distance from opponents and use your mobility skills to dodge attacks. You also need to time your attacks correctly to deal damage without getting hit.

The Importance of Crowd Control in PvP and the Best Classes for It

Crowd control is essential in PvP battles as it allows you to control the battlefield and take down opponents. The best classes for crowd control are Warlords, Spellsingers, and Bladedancers.Warlords can stun opponents, making them unable to attack. Spellsingers can freeze opponents, making them unable to move. Bladedancers can knock opponents down, making them vulnerable to attacks.

How to Build a Strong PvP Team Composition with Diverse Classes

Building a strong PvP team composition requires diverse classes that can support each other. A typical PvP team consists of tanks, healers, damage dealers, and crowd controllers.Tanks like Warlords and Paladins protect the team and absorb damage. Healers like Bishops keep the team alive and buff them. Damage dealers like Blade Dancers and Phantom Rangers deal damage to opponents. Crowd controllers like Spellsingers and Bladedancers control the battlefield and take down opponents.

Tips and Tricks for Dominating in PvP with Your Chosen Class

To dominate in PvP battles with your chosen class, you need to master your skills and playstyle. Here are some tips and tricks:- Know your strengths and weaknesses and play to your strengths.- Learn how to use your skills effectively and efficiently.- Practice your timing and kiting skills.- Communicate with your team and coordinate your attacks.- Keep an eye on your surroundings and be aware of your opponents' movements.- Don't be afraid to switch classes if your current class isn't working for you.In conclusion, choosing the right PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution is essential for dominating in battles. Assessing your playstyle and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class can help you choose the perfect class that fits your needs. Whether you prefer solo play or group battles, there's a class that suits you. Mastering your skills and playing to your strengths can help you dominate in PvP battles and lead your team to victory.

Lineage 2 Revolution Best PvP Class: A Point of View


Lineage 2 Revolution is a popular mobile MMORPG game that offers various classes to choose from. The game has a strong emphasis on PvP, and players are always looking for the best class to excel in PvP battles. In this article, we will discuss the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution and its pros and cons.

The Best PvP Class in Lineage 2 Revolution

After analyzing player feedback and game statistics, it is safe to say that the Blade Dancer is currently the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution. This class has exceptional mobility, high damage output, and strong crowd control abilities.

Pros of Blade Dancer in PvP

  1. High Damage Output: Blade Dancers deal immense burst damage with their combos, which makes them deadly in PvP.
  2. Excellent Mobility: Blade Dancers have exceptional mobility, which makes it easy for them to evade enemy attacks and position themselves for maximum damage.
  3. Crowd Control: Blade Dancers have multiple crowd control abilities such as stun, knockdown, and knockback, which makes them excellent at interrupting enemy spells and controlling the battlefield.

Cons of Blade Dancer in PvP

  1. Fragile: Blade Dancers have low defense and hit points, which makes them vulnerable to enemy attacks. They rely on their mobility and crowd control abilities to survive in PvP battles.
  2. Difficult to Master: Blade Dancers have a high skill cap, and it takes a lot of practice to master their combos and timing.
  3. Weak against Crowd Control: Blade Dancers are vulnerable to crowd control effects such as stun, silence, and immobilization. They rely on their mobility to avoid these effects and continue dealing damage.

Comparison Table

Below is a comparison table of the Blade Dancer class with other popular PvP classes in Lineage 2 Revolution:

Class Pros Cons
Blade Dancer High damage output, excellent mobility, strong crowd control Fragile, difficult to master, weak against crowd control
Warlord High defense, good crowd control, can withstand enemy attacks Low damage output, slow mobility, vulnerable to kiting
Spectral Dancer Good mobility, strong crowd control, high damage output against multiple enemies Vulnerable to burst damage, low hit points, weak against single targets


In conclusion, the Blade Dancer is currently the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution. It has exceptional mobility, high damage output, and strong crowd control abilities. However, it is fragile and difficult to master, and it is vulnerable to crowd control effects. Players should choose their class based on their playstyle and preferences, but the Blade Dancer is a solid choice for those who want to excel in PvP battles.

Closing Message: Choosing the Best PvP Class in Lineage 2 Revolution

Thank you for taking the time to read through this comprehensive guide on choosing the best PvP class in Lineage 2 Revolution. We hope that the insights we have shared will help you make an informed decision when it comes to selecting a class for your PvP battles.As we have discussed, there are several factors to consider when choosing a PvP class, including playstyle, strengths and weaknesses, gear requirements, and team composition. It is important to take all of these factors into account and find a class that suits your preferences and playstyle.Whether you prefer to be a tanky fortress, a nimble assassin, or a powerful spellcaster, there is a class out there for you. Each class offers something unique to the battlefield, and it is up to you to determine which one will best suit your needs.One thing to keep in mind is that PvP is a constantly evolving meta-game, so what may be the best class today may not be the best class tomorrow. It is important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes and updates to the game and adjust your strategy accordingly.Another tip we would like to offer is to experiment and try out different classes. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You may find that a class you never considered before is actually your new favorite.In addition to choosing the right class, it is also important to master your chosen class. This means understanding its strengths and weaknesses and learning how to use its abilities effectively. Practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if you struggle at first.Finally, we want to emphasize the importance of teamwork in PvP battles. No matter how skilled you are at your chosen class, you cannot win alone. Make sure to communicate with your team and work together to achieve victory.We hope that this guide has been helpful in your journey to becoming a PvP champion in Lineage 2 Revolution. Remember, the key to success is choosing the right class, mastering its abilities, and working together with your team. Good luck on the battlefield!

People Also Ask About Lineage 2 Revolution Best PvP Class

What is PvP in Lineage 2 Revolution?

PvP stands for Player versus Player, where players fight against each other in real-time battles. In Lineage 2 Revolution, PvP takes place in the Arena, Fortress Siege, and Open Field.

Which classes are the best for PvP in Lineage 2 Revolution?

While every class has its own strengths and weaknesses in PvP, some classes stand out among others. Here are the best PvP classes in Lineage 2 Revolution:

  • Berserker: Berserkers are known for their high damage output and crowd control abilities, making them a formidable opponent in PvP battles.
  • Hawkeye: Hawkeyes excel at long-range combat, making them a great choice for players who prefer to stay away from the front lines.
  • Paladin: Paladins are one of the most resilient classes in the game, with high defense and healing abilities that make them hard to take down.
  • Spellhowler: Spellhowlers are masters of crowd control and can deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once, making them a valuable asset in PvP battles.
  • Swordsinger: Swordsingers are known for their high mobility and ability to buff themselves and their allies, making them a great support class in PvP battles.

What is the best gear for PvP in Lineage 2 Revolution?

The best gear for PvP in Lineage 2 Revolution depends on your class and playstyle. However, there are a few general guidelines to follow:

  1. Focus on getting gear with high PvP attack and defense stats.
  2. Upgrade your gear to increase its stats and unlock additional effects.
  3. Enchant your gear to further boost its stats and give it special effects.
  4. Use gems to socket your gear with additional stats and effects.

What are some tips for winning in PvP battles in Lineage 2 Revolution?

Here are some tips for winning in PvP battles in Lineage 2 Revolution:

  • Know your class and its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Coordinate with your teammates and communicate effectively.
  • Use terrain to your advantage and position yourself strategically.
  • Target healers and squishy classes first.
  • Use crowd control abilities to disrupt the enemy's attacks and movements.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings and be prepared to adapt to changing situations.