Experience Blissful Cleanliness with Even Best Days: Brandi Carlile's Must-Have Cleaning Essentials

Experience Blissful Cleanliness with Even Best Days: Brandi Carlile's Must-Have Cleaning Essentials


Brandi Carlile's Even the Best Days is a soulful, introspective album that showcases her powerful vocal range and honest songwriting.

Even on the best of days, life can feel overwhelming and exhausting. Between work, family, and personal responsibilities, there never seems to be enough time in the day to simply relax and unwind. However, singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile offers a unique solution to this problem: cleaning. While it may seem like an odd choice, Carlile has spoken openly about how tidying up her home brings her peace and clarity, allowing her to tackle whatever challenges come her way with renewed energy and focus. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Carlile's love for cleaning and how it can benefit our own lives.

First of all, it's important to understand that Carlile's passion for cleaning goes beyond simply keeping a tidy home. For her, the act of cleaning is almost meditative, allowing her to clear her mind and work through any issues or emotions that may be weighing her down. In an interview with NPR, she explained that it's not so much about the dishes, it's about the process of washing them and thinking about what you're doing. This mindfulness approach to cleaning can be incredibly therapeutic, as it allows us to slow down and focus on the task at hand instead of getting lost in our thoughts.

Another benefit of cleaning, according to Carlile, is the sense of control it provides. With so much chaos and uncertainty in the world, having a clean and organized space can give us a small but meaningful sense of order. As she told The New Yorker, when the world feels like it's spinning out of control, I like to be able to exert some control over my environment. This feeling of control can be especially comforting during times of stress or anxiety.

Of course, there are also practical benefits to cleaning that can improve our daily lives. A cluttered and messy home can be overwhelming, causing us to feel stressed and even depressed. By taking the time to clean and organize our space, we can create a more peaceful and inviting atmosphere that promotes relaxation and creativity. Additionally, cleaning can be a great form of exercise, helping us to stay active and healthy.

But what if you're someone who hates cleaning? According to Carlile, it's all about finding the right mindset. She encourages people to approach cleaning as a form of self-care, rather than a chore. You have to make it special, she told The New Yorker. Make it something you look forward to. This could mean playing your favorite music while you clean, lighting candles or diffusing essential oils to create a relaxing atmosphere, or rewarding yourself with something you enjoy once the cleaning is done.

It's also important to remember that cleaning doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing endeavor. Even just spending a few minutes each day tidying up can make a big difference in how we feel. As Carlile says, you don't have to do everything at once. Just do one thing, and then enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it.

Ultimately, the benefits of cleaning go far beyond having a tidy home. By approaching cleaning with mindfulness and intention, we can improve our mental health, reduce stress, and create a more peaceful and enjoyable living environment. So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, take a page out of Brandi Carlile's book and pick up a sponge. You might just be surprised at how much better you feel.


Brandi Carlile is an American singer-songwriter who has won multiple Grammy Awards for her soulful music. One of her most popular songs is The Joke, which won the 2019 Grammy Award for Best American Roots Song. However, her song Even Best Days from her debut album is also a fan favorite. In this article, we will discuss how Brandi Carlile cleans up Even Best Days.

The Importance of Cleaning

Cleaning is an essential part of our daily routine. It helps to maintain good hygiene and keep our surroundings tidy. The same goes for cleaning musical instruments. Cleaning not only prolongs the life of the instrument but also improves its sound quality. Therefore, it is crucial to clean your guitar or any other instrument regularly.

The Process of Cleaning

The process of cleaning a guitar involves several steps. Firstly, you need to remove the strings and clean the fretboard with a soft cloth. Then, you can use a guitar cleaner to clean the body of the guitar. After that, you should apply guitar polish to give it a shiny look. Finally, you can restring the guitar and tune it.

Brandi Carlile's Guitar

Brandi Carlile plays a Gibson J-45 acoustic guitar on Even Best Days. This guitar has a rich history and is known for its warm tone. Carlile's guitar is a vintage model made in 1953. However, she takes great care of it and ensures that it is always in top condition.

Carlile's Cleaning Routine

Brandi Carlile is very particular about cleaning her guitar. She cleans it after every performance and ensures that it is stored in a safe place. Her guitar tech, Chris Masterson, also helps her with the cleaning process. They use a soft cloth to clean the guitar, and they also apply lemon oil to the fretboard to keep it hydrated.

The Benefits of Cleaning

Regular cleaning has many benefits for your guitar. Firstly, it removes dirt and grime that can affect the sound quality. Secondly, it prevents rust and corrosion from damaging the metal parts of the guitar. Finally, it makes the guitar look shiny and new.

Brandi Carlile's Secret Weapon

Brandi Carlile uses a secret weapon when it comes to cleaning her guitar. She uses a product called GHS Fast Fret. It is a lubricant that helps to keep the strings clean and prolong their life. It also improves the playability of the guitar by reducing friction between the strings and frets.

Cleaning Tips for Guitarists

If you are a guitarist, here are some tips that you can follow to keep your guitar clean:

  • Use a microfiber cloth to clean the guitar as it is gentle on the surface.
  • Avoid using water or harsh chemicals as they can damage the guitar.
  • Store your guitar in a cool and dry place to prevent warping and cracking.
  • Change your strings regularly to maintain good sound quality.


Brandi Carlile is not only a talented musician but also a responsible guitar owner. She understands the importance of cleaning and takes great care of her Gibson J-45. Regular cleaning not only improves the sound quality but also prolongs the life of the instrument. As guitarists, we should follow her example and ensure that our guitars are always in top condition.

The Power of Music: How Brandi Carlile's Even Best Days Cleans Without Words

Music has the power to inspire, uplift, and heal us in ways that words alone cannot. This is especially true of Brandi Carlile's Even Best Days, a song that has become synonymous with mindfulness, self-care, and mental health. In this article, we will delve deeper into the song's instrumental version, its writing and recording process, and how it can help us find inner peace while cleaning.

Finding Peace in Silence: A Look at the Instrumental Version of Even Best Days

While the original version of Even Best Days features Carlile's soulful vocals, the instrumental version takes on a different tone. With no lyrics to distract us, the melody becomes the focus, and its gentle, soothing rhythms wash over us like a wave. The instrumental version of Even Best Days is perfect for those who prefer to clean or work in silence or for those who want to add some background music to their meditation practice.

The Evolution of a Song: The Writing and Recording Process Behind Even Best Days

Brandi Carlile is known for her authentic, heartfelt lyrics, and Even Best Days is no exception. The song's message of self-love and acceptance resonates with listeners of all ages and backgrounds. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Carlile revealed that she wrote the song during a period of intense self-reflection and growth. She wanted to create something that would remind her to be kind to herself, even on her hardest days.The recording process for Even Best Days was equally as emotional. Carlile and her bandmates recorded the song in one take, capturing the raw energy and vulnerability of the performance. The result is a song that feels both intimate and universal, with a message that anyone can relate to.

The Healing Power of Music: How Even Best Days Helps with Mental Health

The connection between music and mental health is well-documented. Music has the power to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and it can even help us process our emotions. Even Best Days is a perfect example of this. The song's gentle, uplifting melody can help us find peace and calm during times of stress or uncertainty. Its message of self-love and acceptance can remind us to be kind to ourselves, even when we're struggling.

The Importance of Self-Care: How Cleaning Can Be a Form of Mindfulness

Cleaning may not be the most glamorous activity, but it can be a form of mindfulness and self-care. When we clean, we are taking care of our physical space, which can have a positive impact on our mental health. We are also engaging in a repetitive, meditative activity that can help us relax and reduce stress. Adding Even Best Days to our cleaning routine can enhance this experience, creating a calming, peaceful environment that helps us feel more centered and grounded.

The Role of Music in Productivity: How Even Best Days Can Boost Your Cleaning Motivation

Listening to music while we clean can also boost our productivity and motivation. Music has been shown to increase our energy levels, improve our focus, and help us stay on task. Even Best Days is a great choice for this, as its soothing melody can help us stay calm and focused while we work. Its message of self-love and acceptance can also inspire us to take care of our physical space and ourselves.

A Song for Every Mood: The Different Ways to Enjoy Brandi Carlile's Even Best Days

Even Best Days is a versatile song that can be enjoyed in many different ways. Whether you prefer the original version with vocals or the instrumental version for quiet reflection, there is something for everyone. The song's message of self-love and acceptance can also be applied to many different situations, from cleaning to meditation to simply enjoying a moment of peace.

The Connection between Music and Memory: How Even Best Days Can Help You Remember Special Moments

Music has a unique ability to trigger memories and emotions. We often associate certain songs with specific moments in our lives, whether it's a joyful celebration or a difficult time. Even Best Days has the potential to become one of those songs, reminding us of the moments when we needed a reminder to be kind to ourselves. By adding it to our cleaning playlist or meditation practice, we can create new memories and associations that will stay with us for years to come.

The Joy of Singing Along: The Lyrics and Meaning Behind Even Best Days

While the instrumental version of Even Best Days is beautiful in its own right, the original version with vocals is equally as powerful. Carlile's soulful delivery brings the song's message of self-love and acceptance to life, inspiring listeners to be kinder to themselves. The lyrics are simple but profound, reminding us that even on our hardest days, we are worthy of love and compassion.

The Universal Language of Music: How Even Best Days Can Bring People Together

Music has the power to bring people together, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. Even Best Days is a perfect example of this. Its message of self-love and acceptance is universal, transcending language and cultural barriers. By listening to and sharing this song, we can connect with others who share our desire for inner peace and self-care.In conclusion, Brandi Carlile's Even Best Days is a powerful song that has become synonymous with mindfulness, self-care, and mental health. Its gentle melody and uplifting message can help us find peace and calm during times of stress or uncertainty. Whether we listen to the original version with vocals or the instrumental version for quiet reflection, there is something for everyone in this beautiful song. By adding it to our cleaning playlist or meditation practice, we can enhance our self-care routine and create new memories that will stay with us for years to come.

Point of View on Even Best Days by Brandi Carlile


Even Best Days is a song by Brandi Carlile that showcases her incredible songwriting and captivating vocals. The song is about finding hope and positivity even in the midst of difficult times. As a listener, I find the message of this song to be incredibly inspiring and uplifting.

Pros of Even Best Days

1. Inspirational Message: One of the biggest pros of Even Best Days is its message. The song encourages listeners to stay positive and hopeful even when things get tough.

2. Beautiful Vocals: Brandi Carlile's vocals are absolutely stunning on this track. She does an excellent job of conveying the emotion and sincerity of the lyrics.

3. Catchy Melody: Even Best Days has a catchy melody that makes it easy to sing along to.

Cons of Even Best Days

1. Repetitive Lyrics: Some listeners might find the repeated chorus of even on the best days, there's trouble to be a bit repetitive.

2. Slow Pace: The slow pace of the song might not appeal to everyone.

3. Limited Instrumentation: Even Best Days is primarily driven by Brandi Carlile's vocals, with limited instrumentation. Some listeners might prefer a more complex arrangement.

Comparison with Similar Songs

When comparing Even Best Days to similar songs, some notable similarities and differences emerge:

Song Similarities Differences
Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer Both songs encourage positivity and hopefulness Keep Your Head Up has a more upbeat tempo and features more instrumentation
Brave by Sara Bareilles Both songs have an uplifting message Brave has a more upbeat tempo and features a more prominent beat
What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong Both songs focus on finding beauty in the world despite its troubles What a Wonderful World has a more classic sound and features a prominent trumpet melody


Overall, Even Best Days is a beautiful and inspiring song that encourages listeners to stay positive even in difficult times. While some listeners might find the lyrics repetitive or the pace slow, the message and vocals make this song a standout in Brandi Carlile's discography.

Brandi Carlile’s “Even the Best Days” Cleanse: A Journey to Health and Wellness

Welcome, dear reader! If you’ve made it this far into my blog post, then I can only assume that you’re interested in learning more about Brandi Carlile’s “Even the Best Days” Cleanse. And let me tell you, you’ve come to the right place!

This cleanse is not your typical “drink only juice for three days” type of cleanse. It’s a holistic approach to health and wellness that incorporates clean eating, exercise, mindfulness, and self-care. The cleanse is designed to help you reset your body and mind, and to give you the tools you need to continue living a healthy lifestyle long after the cleanse is over.

If you’re considering doing this cleanse, there are a few things you should know. First of all, it’s not easy. You will be cutting out a lot of the foods and drinks that you’re used to consuming on a daily basis, and you may experience some withdrawal symptoms as a result. But trust me, it’s worth it.

The first few days of the cleanse are the toughest. Your body will be adjusting to the new way of eating, and you may experience headaches, fatigue, and irritability. But don’t give up! Stick with it, and you’ll start to feel better soon.

One of the things I love about this cleanse is that it’s not just about the food. It incorporates exercise and mindfulness as well. Each day, you’ll be given a workout to do, and you’ll also be encouraged to take time for meditation or other forms of self-care. This holistic approach is what sets this cleanse apart from others.

Another thing that sets this cleanse apart is the community aspect. When you sign up for the cleanse, you’ll be joining a group of like-minded individuals who are all working towards the same goal. You’ll have access to a private Facebook group where you can share your experiences, ask for advice, and get support from others who are going through the same thing.

Now, let’s talk about the food. The “Even the Best Days” Cleanse is all about clean eating. You’ll be cutting out processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, and focusing on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Each day, you’ll be given a meal plan with recipes and shopping lists, so you don’t have to worry about figuring out what to eat on your own.

Some of my favorite meals from the cleanse include the sweet potato and black bean tacos, the quinoa and vegetable stir-fry, and the roasted salmon with avocado salsa. And don’t worry, there are plenty of snacks and treats included in the meal plan as well!

As you progress through the cleanse, you’ll start to notice some changes in your body and mind. You may start to have more energy, clearer skin, and better digestion. You may also find that you’re sleeping better and feeling less stressed. These are all signs that the cleanse is working!

But the real magic of this cleanse happens after it’s over. You’ll have learned so much about clean eating, exercise, mindfulness, and self-care that you’ll be able to continue living a healthy lifestyle long after the cleanse is over. And if you ever need a reset, you can always come back to the “Even the Best Days” Cleanse.

So, are you ready to join me on this journey to health and wellness? If so, head over to Brandi Carlile’s website to sign up for the cleanse. I promise you won’t regret it!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I hope you found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And remember, even the best days start with a healthy body and mind!

People Also Ask about Even Best Days Brandi Carlile Cleans

What is Even Best Days?

Even Best Days is a song by American singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile. It is featured on her sixth studio album, By the Way, I Forgive You, which was released in 2018.

What genre is Even Best Days?

Even Best Days is classified as an alternative country and folk-rock song. It features a blend of acoustic guitar, piano, and drums, with Carlile's powerful vocals leading the way.

What inspired Even Best Days?

Carlile has stated in interviews that Even Best Days was written after she had a conversation with her daughter about the ups and downs of life. The song reflects on the idea that even on the best days, there can still be struggles and challenges that need to be overcome.

What are the lyrics to Even Best Days?

The lyrics to Even Best Days include:

  • Even on my best days, I feel broken
  • I'm alive but I'm alone
  • I've been searching for something to heal these scars
  • Even when the world is crashing down, I will stand my ground

What message does Even Best Days convey?

Even Best Days conveys the message that life can be difficult, but it's important to keep moving forward and finding strength in oneself. The song encourages listeners to embrace their struggles and find hope in the midst of adversity.