The Top 5 Best Races for Death Knight in Legion: Enhance Your Gameplay

The Top 5 Best Races for Death Knight in Legion: Enhance Your Gameplay


Discover the best race for your Death Knight in Legion. Learn which race offers the best stats and abilities to dominate the battlefield.

Death Knights are one of the most iconic classes in World of Warcraft. They are known for their dark and fearsome powers, which make them excellent tanks and damage dealers. With the release of the Legion expansion, players were introduced to a new set of challenges and opportunities. One of the biggest decisions that every Death Knight player has to make is choosing the best race. While there are many options available, some races stand out as being particularly well-suited for this class. In this article, we will explore the best race for Death Knights in Legion and provide you with insights and tips that will help you make an informed decision.

First, let's take a look at the most popular races for Death Knights. These include Humans, Orcs, Undead, and Tauren. Each of these races has its strengths and weaknesses, but they all have something to offer to Death Knights. For example, Humans have the racial ability Every Man for Himself, which allows them to break out of stun effects. This can be very useful in PvP situations where crowd control is rampant. Orcs, on the other hand, have the Blood Fury ability, which increases their attack power for a short period of time. This is great for boosting damage output in raids or dungeons. Undead have a unique racial ability called Will of the Forsaken, which allows them to break out of fear effects. This can be invaluable in both PvP and PvE situations. Finally, Tauren have the War Stomp ability, which stuns nearby enemies. This is useful for controlling groups of mobs or interrupting enemy casts.

However, there is one race that stands out as being the best choice for Death Knights in Legion: the Blood Elf. There are several reasons why Blood Elves are so well-suited for this class, and we will explore them in detail below.

First and foremost, Blood Elves have an excellent racial ability called Arcane Torrent. This ability is a short-range AoE silence that interrupts enemy spellcasting and restores some of the Blood Elf's mana. This is incredibly useful for Death Knights, as it allows them to interrupt dangerous enemy spells and maintain their own resources at the same time. This ability has a relatively short cooldown, which means that it can be used frequently throughout a fight.

Another reason why Blood Elves are a great choice for Death Knights is their starting zone. The Eversong Woods is a beautiful and immersive area that is perfect for players who want to get into the lore of the game. Additionally, the quests in this zone are well-designed and engaging, which makes the leveling experience more enjoyable overall. This is important for players who plan on spending a lot of time playing their Death Knight, as it ensures that they will not get bored or burnt out too quickly.

Blood Elves also have a number of other racial bonuses that are useful for Death Knights. For example, they have a passive bonus to Enchanting, which can save players a lot of gold over time. They also have a higher base agility than most other races, which makes them slightly more durable in combat. While these bonuses may seem small, they can add up over time and make a significant difference in the long run.

Finally, Blood Elves simply look cool. They have a sleek and elegant appearance that fits perfectly with the dark and brooding aesthetic of Death Knights. Additionally, their animations and voice lines are well-done and immersive, which adds to the overall experience of playing this class. While aesthetics may not be the most important factor when choosing a race, they are certainly a factor worth considering.

In conclusion, the best race for Death Knights in Legion is the Blood Elf. They have a powerful racial ability, an engaging starting zone, useful bonuses, and a cool aesthetic. Of course, every player has their own preferences and playstyles, so it is important to choose a race that feels right for you. However, if you are looking for a race that will give you a competitive edge and enhance your overall experience, the Blood Elf is definitely worth considering.


The Death Knight class is one of the most popular ones in World of Warcraft. With the release of Legion, players have even more options to choose from when it comes to races for their Death Knight characters. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the best races for Death Knights in Legion and what makes them stand out.

The Best Races for Horde Death Knights

When it comes to Horde Death Knights, there are three races that stand out as the best options: Orcs, Tauren, and Undead.


Orcs are a solid choice for Death Knights due to their racial ability, Blood Fury. This ability increases attack power and spell damage, making it a great boost to your overall damage output. Additionally, their Hardiness racial gives them a 25% chance to resist stuns, which can be incredibly useful in both PvP and PvE situations.


Tauren are a great choice for Death Knights who want to focus on tanking. Their Endurance racial increases their base health by 5%, making them harder to take down. Additionally, their War Stomp ability can stun nearby enemies, giving them some added crowd control options.


Undead Death Knights are a great choice for players who enjoy PvP. Their Will of the Forsaken racial allows them to break free from fear, sleep, and charm effects, which can be incredibly useful in PvP situations. Additionally, their Touch of the Grave ability deals shadow damage to their target and heals them for a percentage of the damage done, making it a great self-healing option.

The Best Races for Alliance Death Knights

For Alliance players, there are three races that stand out as the best options for Death Knights: Human, Dwarf, and Gnome.


Humans are a great choice for Death Knights who want to focus on PvP. Their racial ability, Every Man for Himself, allows them to break free from stun, fear, and charm effects, which can be incredibly useful in PvP situations. Additionally, their Diplomacy racial gives them a boost to their reputation gains, making it easier to grind out reputation with various factions.


Dwarves are a solid choice for Death Knights who want to focus on tanking. Their Stoneform racial allows them to remove all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects, making them incredibly resilient. Additionally, their Might of the Mountain ability increases their critical strike damage and healing done, making them a great option for those who want to focus on self-healing.


Gnomes are a great choice for Death Knights who want to focus on mobility. Their Escape Artist racial allows them to break free from movement impairing effects, making it easier for them to get out of sticky situations. Additionally, their short stature makes them harder to hit in PvP situations, giving them some added survivability.


In conclusion, there are several races that make great choices for Death Knights in Legion. Whether you prefer to focus on tanking, PvP, or self-healing, there is a race that will suit your playstyle. Ultimately, the best race for your Death Knight will depend on your individual preferences and what you want to achieve with your character.

Death Knight Race Overview

Death Knights are one of the most unique classes in World of Warcraft. They were once powerful knights who fell in battle and were resurrected by the Lich King as his undead champions. Death Knights have a wide range of abilities that make them formidable fighters on the battlefield. However, choosing the right race for your Death Knight is critical in determining your playstyle and overall effectiveness.

Top Race Choices for Death Knights in Legion

When it comes to picking the best race for your Death Knight in Legion, there are several options to choose from. Each race offers its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider your playstyle and the role you want to play in a group. Here are some of the top race choices for Death Knights in Legion:


Orcs are a great choice for Death Knights who want to focus on dealing damage. Their racial ability, Blood Fury, increases their attack power for a short period of time, making them more effective in combat. Additionally, Orcs have the Hardiness racial ability, which reduces the duration of stun effects by 20%. This can be incredibly useful in PvP situations where stuns are common.


Tauren are an excellent choice for Death Knights who want to focus on tanking. Their racial ability, Endurance, increases their maximum health by 5%, making them more durable in combat. Additionally, Tauren have the War Stomp ability, which stuns nearby enemies for 2 seconds. This can be useful for interrupting enemy spellcasting or buying time to heal yourself.

Blood Elf

Blood Elves are a good choice for Death Knights who want to focus on survivability. Their racial ability, Arcane Torrent, restores some of the Death Knight's runic power and silences nearby enemies for 3 seconds. This can be useful for interrupting enemy spellcasting or buying time to heal yourself. Additionally, Blood Elves have the ability to remove harmful magic effects from themselves, making them more resilient in combat.


Undead are a great choice for Death Knights who want to focus on crowd control. Their racial ability, Will of the Forsaken, removes any Charm, Fear, or Sleep effect on the Death Knight. This can be incredibly useful in PvP situations where crowd control is common. Additionally, Undead have the ability to drain life from their enemies, restoring their own health in the process.


Dwarves are a solid choice for Death Knights who want to focus on tanking. Their racial ability, Stoneform, removes all harmful poison, disease, and bleed effects and reduces damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds. This can be useful for mitigating incoming damage and keeping yourself alive. Additionally, Dwarves have the ability to detect nearby treasure and minerals, making them useful for exploration and gathering professions.

The Best Races for Death Knights in Legion

While each race brings its own unique advantages to the table, some races are simply better suited for Death Knights than others. Here are the best races for Death Knights in Legion:


Orcs are the top choice for Death Knights in Legion. Their Blood Fury racial ability provides a significant increase in attack power, making them incredibly effective at dealing damage. Additionally, their Hardiness racial ability reduces the duration of stun effects, making them more resilient in PvP situations.


Tauren are the second-best choice for Death Knights in Legion. Their Endurance racial ability increases their maximum health, making them more durable in combat. Additionally, their War Stomp ability can be useful for interrupting enemy spellcasting or buying time to heal yourself.

Blood Elf

Blood Elves are the third-best choice for Death Knights in Legion. Their Arcane Torrent racial ability restores runic power and silences nearby enemies, making them more survivable in combat. Additionally, their ability to remove harmful magic effects from themselves is useful for staying alive in intense fights.

The Pros and Cons of Each Race for Death Knights

While each race offers its own unique advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Here are the pros and cons of each race for Death Knights:


Pros:- Blood Fury increases attack power- Hardiness reduces stun durationCons:- No abilities that directly benefit tanking or crowd control


Pros:- Endurance increases maximum health- War Stomp stuns nearby enemiesCons:- No abilities that directly benefit damage dealing or crowd control

Blood Elf

Pros:- Arcane Torrent restores runic power and silences nearby enemies- Can remove harmful magic effects from themselvesCons:- No abilities that directly benefit tanking or crowd control


Pros:- Will of the Forsaken removes Charm, Fear, and Sleep effects- Can drain life from enemies to restore their own healthCons:- No abilities that directly benefit tanking or damage dealing


Pros:- Stoneform removes harmful poison, disease, and bleed effects and reduces damage taken- Can detect nearby treasure and mineralsCons:- No abilities that directly benefit damage dealing or crowd control

How Race Affects Death Knight Gameplay in Legion

Choosing the right race for your Death Knight can have a significant impact on your gameplay in Legion. Each race brings its own unique abilities and strengths to the table, which can influence your playstyle and overall effectiveness. For example, Orcs are great for damage dealing, while Tauren are better suited for tanking. Blood Elves are more focused on survivability, while Undead excel at crowd control.It's important to consider your role in a group when choosing a race for your Death Knight. If you plan on tanking, you'll want to choose a race that offers increased durability and crowd control abilities. If you plan on dealing damage, you'll want to choose a race that offers increased attack power and survivability. And if you plan on PvPing, you'll want to choose a race that offers crowd control and resilience against enemy abilities.

Choosing a Race for Your Death Knight in Legion

When it comes to choosing a race for your Death Knight in Legion, there are several factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision:- Consider your playstyle and role in a group. Do you want to focus on tanking, damage dealing, or survivability?- Look at the racial abilities of each race and how they can benefit your playstyle.- Consider the lore and roleplaying aspects of each race. Which race do you feel most connected to?- Experiment with different races to see which one feels the most natural to you.Ultimately, the best race for your Death Knight in Legion is the one that fits your playstyle and preferences the best.

Race-Specific Abilities for Death Knights in Legion

In addition to their racial abilities, each race also has access to a unique Death Knight ability in Legion. These abilities provide additional benefits that can further enhance your gameplay. Here are the race-specific abilities for Death Knights in Legion:

Orc - Blood of the Dragon

Blood of the Dragon increases the duration of your Breath of Sindragosa ability by 50%. This can be incredibly useful for Death Knights who use Breath of Sindragosa as part of their rotation.

Tauren - Bristling Fur

Bristling Fur increases your chance to dodge attacks by 30% for 6 seconds. This can be useful for Death Knights who want to mitigate incoming damage while tanking.

Blood Elf - Arcane Acuity

Arcane Acuity increases your critical strike chance by 1% for 10 seconds. This can be useful for Death Knights who want to deal more damage in a short period of time.

Undead - Touch of the Grave

Touch of the Grave deals Shadow damage to your target and heals you for the same amount. This can be useful for Death Knights who want to sustain themselves through damage dealing.

Dwarf - Might of the Mountain

Might of the Mountain increases your critical strike damage by 2% for 12 seconds. This can be useful for Death Knights who want to deal more damage with their critical strikes.

The Ideal Race for a Tanking Death Knight in Legion

If you plan on tanking as a Death Knight in Legion, the ideal race for you is Tauren. Their Endurance racial ability increases their maximum health, making them more durable in combat. Additionally, their War Stomp ability can be useful for interrupting enemy spellcasting or buying time to heal yourself. The Bristling Fur ability also increases your chance to dodge attacks, further enhancing your survivability.

The Ideal Race for a DPS Death Knight in Legion

If you plan on dealing damage as a Death Knight in Legion, the ideal race for you is Orc. Their Blood Fury racial ability provides a significant increase in attack power, making them incredibly effective at dealing damage. Additionally, their Hardiness racial ability reduces the duration of stun effects, making them more resilient in PvP situations.

The Best Race for Death Knight Lore and Roleplaying in Legion

If you're looking to immerse yourself in the lore and roleplaying aspects of World of Warcraft, the best race for your Death Knight is Undead. As a former servant of the Lich King, an Undead Death Knight has a unique perspective on the world and their place in it. The Will of the Forsaken ability also reflects the Undead's resilience against mind-controlling abilities, further enhancing their lore and roleplaying potential.In conclusion, choosing the right race for your Death Knight in Legion is critical in determining your playstyle and overall effectiveness. Consider your role in a group, your playstyle preferences, and the strengths and weaknesses of each race before making your final decision.

Best Race for Death Knight Legion

Point of View

As a death knight in Legion, choosing the right race is essential to optimize your gameplay experience. Each race offers unique bonuses and abilities that can influence your character's performance in combat.In my opinion, the best race for death knight legion would be the Tauren. Their racial ability, Brawn, increases critical strike damage and healing by 2%, providing a significant boost to damage output and survivability.

Pros and Cons

While the Tauren may be the best race for death knight legion, it's essential to consider the pros and cons of other races before making a final decision.Orc:
  • Pros: Blood Fury racial increases melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds, reducing cooldown of 2 minutes.
  • Cons: No defensive or crowd control racial abilities.
  • Pros: Will of the Forsaken allows the undead to break out of fear, charm, sleep, and horror effects, reducing cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • Cons: No offensive or defensive racial abilities.
  • Pros: Berserking increases attack speed by 10-30% for 10 seconds, depending on current health percentage, reducing cooldown of 3 minutes.
  • Cons: No defensive or crowd control racial abilities.

Table Comparison

Below is a comparison table of the racial abilities for each race:
Race Ability Cooldown Effect
Tauren Brawn N/A Increases critical strike damage and healing by 2%.
Orc Blood Fury 2 minutes Increases melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds.
Undead Will of the Forsaken 30 seconds Allows the undead to break out of fear, charm, sleep, and horror effects.
Troll Berserking 3 minutes Increases attack speed by 10-30% for 10 seconds, depending on current health percentage.


Ultimately, the best race for death knight legion depends on personal preference and playstyle. While the Tauren may offer the most significant benefit with their Brawn racial ability, other races such as the Orc, Undead, and Troll may be more suitable for different playstyles. It's essential to consider all options before making a final decision and choose the race that best suits your character's strengths and weaknesses.

The Best Race for Death Knight in Legion: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, fellow World of Warcraft players! If you are reading this, then you are probably looking for information on the best race for your Death Knight in Legion. Fear not, for you have come to the right place! In this article, we will discuss the various races available to Death Knights and analyze their strengths and weaknesses to help you make an informed choice.

Firstly, let us look at the Horde races. The three Horde races available to Death Knights are the Orcs, the Tauren, and the Forsaken. Orcs have a racial ability called Blood Fury, which increases their melee attack power by a significant amount for 15 seconds. This ability can be very useful in burst damage situations. Tauren, on the other hand, have a racial ability called Endurance, which increases their maximum health by a certain amount. This makes them a more durable option for tanking. Forsaken have a racial ability called Will of the Forsaken, which allows them to break out of fear, sleep, and charm effects. This can be extremely useful in PvP situations.

Next, let us take a look at the Alliance races available to Death Knights. The three Alliance races available to Death Knights are the Humans, the Dwarves, and the Gnomes. Humans have a racial ability called Every Man for Himself, which works similarly to the Forsaken's Will of the Forsaken ability. It allows them to break out of crowd control effects such as stuns, silences, and roots. Dwarves have a racial ability called Stoneform, which removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and reduces damage taken by a certain percentage for 8 seconds. This can be incredibly useful in both PvE and PvP situations. Gnomes have a racial ability called Escape Artist, which allows them to break out of movement impairing effects such as snares and roots. This can be great for those who want to kite their enemies.

Now, let us analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each race for Death Knights. Orcs are great for those who plan on doing a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Tauren are perfect for those who want to tank and soak up damage. Forsaken are ideal for PvP players who want to be able to break out of crowd control effects. Humans are great for those who want to be able to break out of crowd control effects like the Forsaken. Dwarves are excellent for those who want to be able to remove debuffs and reduce damage taken. Gnomes are perfect for those who want to be able to break out of movement impairing effects.

Ultimately, the best race for your Death Knight in Legion will depend on your playstyle and what you want to do with your character. If you plan on doing a lot of PvP, then Forsaken or Humans are great options. If you want to tank, then Tauren or Dwarves are ideal choices. If you want to do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, then Orcs are perfect. If you want to be able to kite your enemies, then Gnomes are the way to go.

Before we conclude this article, it is important to note that racial abilities should not be the deciding factor when choosing a race for your Death Knight. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a race that you enjoy playing and that fits your playstyle. Racial abilities can be useful, but they are not the be-all and end-all of your character's success.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best race for Death Knights in Legion. We hope that it has been informative and helpful in your decision-making process. Remember, no matter which race you choose, the true strength of your character lies in your skill and dedication as a player. Happy gaming!

People also ask about best race for Death Knight Legion

What are the different races available for Death Knights in Legion?

In Legion, Death Knights can choose from the following races:

  • Orc
  • Undead
  • Tauren
  • Troll
  • Blood Elf
  • Goblin
  • Gnome
  • Human
  • Dwarf

What is the best race for a Death Knight in Legion?

The best race for a Death Knight in Legion depends on your playstyle and what you want to do in the game. However, some races have better racial abilities that can benefit Death Knights. Here are some of the best races for Death Knights in Legion:

  1. Orc: Orcs have the racial ability Hardiness, which reduces the duration of stun effects. This can be useful in PvP situations where you may be stunned often.
  2. Undead: Undead have the racial ability Will of the Forsaken, which frees the player from any charm, fear, or sleep effect. This can be useful in both PvP and PvE situations where crowd control effects are used.
  3. Blood Elf: Blood Elves have the racial ability Arcane Torrent, which restores some of the Death Knight's runic power and silences nearby enemies. This can be useful in both PvP and PvE situations where you need to interrupt enemies or restore runic power quickly.
  4. Dwarf: Dwarves have the racial ability Stoneform, which removes all harmful poisons, diseases, and bleed effects and increases armor by 10%. This can be useful in PvE situations where you may need to remove debuffs quickly.

Can I change my race after I create my Death Knight?

No, once you have created your Death Knight with a specific race, you cannot change it. If you want to play a Death Knight with a different race, you will need to create a new character.