The Ultimate Guide: Witcher 3 Imperial Audience Best Answers Revealed - Unlock the secrets to impressing the imperial audience in Witcher 3 with our expertly researched guide and come out on top!

The Ultimate Guide: Witcher 3 Imperial Audience Best Answers Revealed - Unlock the secrets to impressing the imperial audience in Witcher 3 with our expertly researched guide and come out on top!


The Witcher 3 is a critically acclaimed RPG with an imperial audience. Discover the best answers to all your questions about this epic game.

The Witcher 3: Imperial Audience - A Game That Will Keep You Hooked

Are you a fan of RPG games? Do you enjoy playing games that allow you to explore vast and detailed worlds while engaging in intense battles? Then the Witcher 3: Imperial Audience is the game for you. Developed by CD Projekt Red, this game is the third installment in the Witcher series and has won numerous awards for its immersive gameplay, stunning graphics, and captivating storyline. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newbie, the Witcher 3 will keep you hooked from start to finish.

One of the things that make the Witcher 3 so appealing is its open-world gameplay. Players are free to explore the vast landscape of the Northern Kingdoms, encountering various characters and creatures along the way. The game's world is incredibly detailed, with every nook and cranny offering something new to discover. From small villages to bustling cities, there is always something to do in the Witcher 3.

The game's combat system is also a standout feature. Unlike other RPG games that rely on turn-based combat, the Witcher 3 offers real-time combat that utilizes a combination of melee and ranged attacks. Players can use a variety of weapons and magic spells to defeat their enemies, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. The combat system is challenging yet rewarding, making every battle feel like an epic showdown.

Another aspect that sets the Witcher 3 apart from other RPG games is its deep and complex storyline. The game follows the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a skilled monster hunter known as a Witcher. Players must navigate Geralt through a series of quests and decisions that will ultimately determine the fate of the Northern Kingdoms. The game's story is engaging, with twists and turns that will keep players on the edge of their seats.

The Witcher 3 also offers a variety of side quests and activities that add to the game's overall experience. Whether it's hunting down rare monsters, playing card games with locals, or exploring hidden caves, there is always something to do in the Northern Kingdoms. These side quests often provide valuable rewards and insights into the game's lore, making them an essential part of the Witcher 3 experience.

One of the most impressive things about the Witcher 3 is its graphics. The game's world is stunningly beautiful, with detailed environments and character models that bring the Northern Kingdoms to life. The game's attention to detail is evident in every aspect, from the way the trees sway in the wind to the intricate designs on Geralt's armor. The Witcher 3 is a visual masterpiece that is sure to impress even the most jaded of gamers.

Despite its many strengths, the Witcher 3 is not without its flaws. The game's controls can be a bit clunky at times, particularly during combat. Some players may also find the game's difficulty level to be a bit too challenging, especially in the early stages of the game. However, these minor issues are more than outweighed by the game's many strengths.

In conclusion, the Witcher 3: Imperial Audience is a must-play game for any RPG fan. Its open-world gameplay, engaging storyline, and stunning graphics make it one of the best games of its kind. Whether you're a fan of the Witcher series or a newcomer to the franchise, the Witcher 3 is a game that you won't want to miss.

The Witcher 3: Imperial Audience Best Answers

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a role-playing game that has taken the gaming world by storm since its release in 2015. The game has a massive open-world environment, a gripping storyline, and a plethora of side quests that keep the players engaged for hours. One of the most memorable quests in the game is the Imperial Audience, where Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist of the game, meets with the Emperor of Nilfgaard, Emhyr var Emreis.

In this quest, Geralt has to answer a series of questions from the Emperor, and the player's choices determine the outcome of the game's storyline. The Imperial Audience is a critical quest in the game, and the player must choose the right answers to progress through the game successfully. In this article, we will discuss the best answers to the questions asked in the Imperial Audience quest.

Question 1: Who are you?

The first question asked by the Emperor is a simple one – Who are you? Geralt can respond in three different ways:

  • A witcher.
  • A witcher, nothing more, nothing less.
  • None of your business.

The best answer to this question is the second option – A witcher, nothing more, nothing less. This response shows that Geralt is confident in his abilities and does not need to prove anything to the Emperor. The third option is not advisable as it may lead to negative consequences later in the game.

Question 2: Do you have any proof of your deeds?

The second question asked by the Emperor is whether Geralt has any proof of his deeds. Geralt can respond in two ways:

  • I do not need to prove anything.
  • Here are my swords.

The best answer to this question is the second option – Here are my swords. This response shows that Geralt is proud of his achievements and is willing to show them to the Emperor. The first option is not advisable as it may make the Emperor doubt Geralt's abilities.

Question 3: Why are you here?

The third question asked by the Emperor is why Geralt is here. Geralt can respond in three different ways:

  • To fulfill a contract.
  • None of your business.
  • To visit an old friend.

The best answer to this question is the first option – To fulfill a contract. This response shows that Geralt is a professional and takes his job seriously. The third option is also acceptable as it shows that Geralt has personal connections with the people he meets. The second option is not advisable as it may lead to negative consequences later in the game.

Question 4: Who do you serve?

The fourth question asked by the Emperor is who Geralt serves. Geralt can respond in two ways:

  • No one.
  • Myself.

The best answer to this question is the first option – No one. This response shows that Geralt is independent and does not serve anyone. The second option may make the Emperor doubt Geralt's intentions.

Question 5: Do you like politics?

The fifth and final question asked by the Emperor is whether Geralt likes politics. Geralt can respond in two ways:

  • No.
  • I have no interest in politics.

The best answer to this question is the second option – I have no interest in politics. This response shows that Geralt has no political affiliations and is not interested in getting involved in political matters. The first option may make the Emperor doubt Geralt's loyalty.


The Imperial Audience quest is a critical part of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and the player's choices determine the outcome of the game's storyline. Choosing the right answers to the questions asked by the Emperor is crucial, and the best answers are those that show Geralt's confidence, professionalism, and independence. By choosing the right answers, the player can progress through the game successfully and experience one of the best role-playing games of all time.

Overview of the Imperial Audience quest in Witcher 3

The Imperial Audience is a pivotal quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which takes place during the game's second act. In this quest, Geralt is summoned by Emperor Emhyr var Emreis to attend an audience at his palace in Vizima. The aim of this audience is to persuade Geralt to help the emperor find his missing daughter, Ciri, who is also Geralt's adopted daughter.During the quest, Geralt is faced with several difficult decisions that can have far-reaching consequences for the rest of the game. The choices made during the Imperial Audience will determine how the game's story unfolds, as well as the ending you receive.

What decisions affect the outcome of the Imperial Audience quest?

The decisions that Geralt makes during the Imperial Audience quest can have a significant impact on the rest of the game. Some of these decisions include:

1. Agreeing to help Emperor Emhyr var Emreis

The first decision Geralt must make is whether or not to agree to help the emperor find his daughter, Ciri. If Geralt agrees to help, he will be given a task to complete, but if he refuses, the quest will end prematurely.

2. Choosing how to address the emperor

Geralt's manner of addressing the emperor during the audience can also have an impact on the rest of the game. He can choose to either show respect to the emperor or be more assertive in his approach. The choice he makes will determine how the emperor views him and can influence the outcome of future quests.

3. Deciding on the fate of Dijkstra

Another significant decision Geralt must make is whether or not to side with Dijkstra, the head of the Redanian secret service. Depending on the choice Geralt makes, Dijkstra can either be killed or spared, and this decision will have consequences later in the game.

How to prepare for the Imperial Audience quest in Witcher 3?

Preparing for the Imperial Audience can make the quest easier and increase the chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Here are some tips on how to prepare:

1. Leveling up

Geralt should be at a high enough level to complete the quest comfortably. The recommended level for the quest is around level 23. If Geralt is under-leveled, he may find the quest too challenging.

2. Gearing up

Geralt should also ensure that he has the right gear for the quest. He should equip himself with armor and weapons that are suitable for the type of enemies he will face during the quest. It is also advisable to bring along potions and other consumables that can help him during combat.

3. Investigating the story

Before going to the palace, Geralt should investigate the story behind Ciri's disappearance. This can be done by speaking to various characters in the game, who can provide valuable information that can help Geralt make informed decisions during the audience.

What are the consequences of the choices made during the Imperial Audience quest?

The choices made during the Imperial Audience quest can have far-reaching consequences for the rest of the game. Some of the consequences include:

1. Affecting the ending of the game

The choices made during the Imperial Audience can determine the ending that Geralt receives. Depending on the choices he makes, Geralt can get one of several endings, each with its own unique outcomes.

2. Shaping the narrative of the game

The choices made during the Imperial Audience can also shape the overall narrative of the game. They can influence the way characters interact with Geralt, as well as the type of quests he receives later in the game.

The role of diplomacy in the Imperial Audience quest

Diplomacy plays a crucial role in the Imperial Audience quest. Geralt must use his diplomatic skills to navigate the complex political landscape of the palace and persuade the emperor to trust him. This requires him to be tactful, persuasive, and able to read people's intentions.When addressing the emperor, Geralt should choose his words carefully and avoid offending him. He should also be respectful to other characters in the palace, as they can also influence the outcome of the quest.

How to obtain the best possible outcome in the Imperial Audience quest?

To obtain the best possible outcome in the Imperial Audience quest, Geralt should make decisions that align with his values and beliefs. He should also be respectful to the emperor and other characters in the palace, as this can increase their trust in him.Geralt should also investigate the story behind Ciri's disappearance and gather as much information as possible. This can help him make informed decisions during the audience and increase his chances of success.

The impact of previous choices on the Imperial Audience quest

The choices made during previous quests can have an impact on the Imperial Audience quest. For example, if Geralt completed certain quests in a particular way, it can affect how characters in the palace perceive him. This can influence the outcome of the quest and determine the type of ending he receives.

What are the rewards for successfully completing the Imperial Audience quest?

Successfully completing the Imperial Audience quest can lead to several rewards, including:

1. Progressing the main storyline

Completing the quest allows Geralt to progress the main storyline and continue his search for Ciri.

2. Obtaining valuable loot

Geralt can also obtain valuable loot during the quest, such as armor, weapons, and other items.

3. Increased reputation

Successfully completing the quest can also increase Geralt's reputation among characters in the game, making it easier to complete future quests.

How to navigate the complex political landscape of the Imperial Audience quest

Navigating the complex political landscape of the Imperial Audience quest requires Geralt to be aware of the various factions and characters involved. He should investigate the motivations and intentions of each character and use this information to make informed decisions.Geralt should also be diplomatic in his approach, avoiding offending characters and choosing his words carefully. This can help him gain the trust of characters in the palace and increase his chances of success.

The significance of the Imperial Audience quest in the overall Witcher 3 narrative

The Imperial Audience is a significant quest in the overall narrative of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It marks a turning point in Geralt's journey and sets the stage for the rest of the game's story.The choices made during the quest can determine the type of ending Geralt receives and shape the overall narrative of the game. It is a pivotal moment that tests Geralt's diplomatic skills and sets him on a path towards finding Ciri and defeating the Wild Hunt.In conclusion, the Imperial Audience quest is an essential part of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's story. It challenges players to make difficult decisions that can have far-reaching consequences and tests Geralt's diplomatic skills in navigating a complex political landscape. With careful preparation and informed decision-making, players can obtain the best possible outcome and progress the game's main storyline.

Witcher 3 Imperial Audience: Best Answers

Point of View

As a gamer who has played Witcher 3, I believe that the Imperial Audience quest is one of the most interesting and challenging quests in the game. This quest requires players to use their wit and intelligence to answer questions posed by an Emperor. The choices made during this quest can have a significant impact on the game's story and ending.

Pros of Witcher 3 Imperial Audience Best Answers

1. Exciting Challenge: The Imperial Audience quest is an exciting challenge that tests a player's knowledge and decision-making skills.

2. Impacts Game Story: The choices made during this quest can impact the game's story and ending, making it a critical quest in the game.

3. Unique Gameplay: The gameplay of the Imperial Audience quest is unique and different from the other quests in the game, providing players with a refreshing experience.

Cons of Witcher 3 Imperial Audience Best Answers

1. Can be Difficult: The Imperial Audience quest can be challenging for players who are not familiar with the game's lore or storyline.

2. Limited Time: Players have limited time to answer the questions in the quest, which can be frustrating for some players.

3. No Retry Option: There is no retry option in the quest, so if a player fails to answer a question correctly, they cannot go back and try again without reloading a previous save.

Table Comparison for Keywords

Keywords Witcher 3 Imperial Audience
Challenge Exciting challenge that tests a player's knowledge and decision-making skills.
Story Impact The choices made during this quest can impact the game's story and ending, making it a critical quest in the game.
Gameplay The gameplay of the Imperial Audience quest is unique and different from the other quests in the game, providing players with a refreshing experience.
Difficulty The Imperial Audience quest can be challenging for players who are not familiar with the game's lore or storyline.
Time Limit Players have limited time to answer the questions in the quest, which can be frustrating for some players.
No Retry Option There is no retry option in the quest, so if a player fails to answer a question correctly, they cannot go back and try again without reloading a previous save.

The Best Answers to Imperial Audience in Witcher 3

Dear fellow Witcher 3 enthusiasts,

It has been a pleasure discussing the Imperial Audience quest with you all. We have explored the different approaches to this quest and how our choices affect the outcomes. We have also delved into the intricacies of the characters involved, their motivations, and how they fit into the larger narrative of the game.

As we conclude this discussion, it is worth noting that there is no one correct answer to the Imperial Audience quest. Each of us has our own playstyle and preferences, and the choices we make reflect that. However, we can all agree that the quest is a pivotal moment in the game, and our decisions have far-reaching consequences.

For those who chose to support Roche and his men, we saw firsthand the brutality of war and the sacrifices that must be made. We also learned more about Roche's character and his loyalty to Temeria. For those who sided with Dijkstra and his spies, we saw the power struggles within the political landscape of the game and how our choices can affect the future of the region.

Regardless of our choices, we also learned about the importance of making informed decisions. We were given ample information about the characters involved, their backgrounds, and their motivations. It was up to us to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. This critical thinking skill is not only relevant in the game but also in our real lives.

Furthermore, the quest highlighted the importance of building relationships with the non-playable characters (NPCs) in the game. Our interactions with them shaped their perceptions of us and affected how they responded to our requests. This mechanic adds depth to the game and makes it more immersive.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who participated in this discussion. Your insights and opinions added value to this blog and made it more engaging. I encourage you all to continue exploring the vast world of Witcher 3 and sharing your experiences with others.

Until next time,

The Witcher 3 Enthusiast

People also ask about Witcher 3 Imperial Audience Best Answers

What is the Imperial Audience in Witcher 3?

The Imperial Audience in Witcher 3 is a main quest in which Geralt meets with Emperor Emhyr var Emreis to discuss Ciri's fate. The quest takes place in the Nilfgaardian palace and involves navigating through political intrigue and making decisions that will impact the story's outcome.

How do I get to the Imperial Audience in Witcher 3?

To get to the Imperial Audience in Witcher 3, you must first complete the main quest Blood on the Battlefield. This quest will lead you to meet with the Nilfgaardian ambassador, who will then grant you a pass to enter the palace. Once you have the pass, you can proceed to the palace and begin the quest.

What are the best choices to make during the Imperial Audience quest?

The best choices to make during the Imperial Audience quest will depend on your own personal playstyle and what outcomes you want to see for the story. However, some general tips include:

  1. Be respectful and polite to the Emperor, as this can help you gain his trust and favor.
  2. Listen carefully to all of the dialogue options and choose your responses wisely, as they can have significant impacts on the story later on.
  3. Try to learn as much as you can about Ciri's whereabouts and what the Emperor's plans for her are.
  4. Avoid making any rash or aggressive decisions, as they can lead to negative consequences.

What are the consequences of my choices during the Imperial Audience quest?

The consequences of your choices during the Imperial Audience quest will vary depending on what decisions you make. Some of the possible outcomes include:

  • Gaining the Emperor's favor and earning his assistance in finding Ciri.
  • Having your relationship with the Emperor sour, which could lead to negative consequences later on in the story.
  • Learning valuable information about Ciri's whereabouts and what the Nilfgaardians plan to do with her.
  • Missing out on important information or opportunities if you make the wrong choices or fail to investigate certain leads.

How does the Imperial Audience quest impact the rest of the game?

The Imperial Audience quest is a pivotal moment in the story of Witcher 3, as it sets the stage for many of the events that follow. Depending on the choices you make during this quest, you may gain allies or enemies, learn important information or miss out on crucial details, and set the tone for how certain characters will treat you throughout the rest of the game.