The Ultimate Secret World Legends Best DPS Build Guide for Unbeatable Combat Power

The Ultimate Secret World Legends Best DPS Build Guide for Unbeatable Combat Power


Unlock the ultimate damage potential with our Secret World Legends best DPS build guide. Dominate every battle and become a true legend!

Are you tired of being the weakest link in your Secret World Legends group? Do you want to be the one dealing the most damage and taking down enemies with ease? Look no further, as we present the best DPS build for Secret World Legends!

This build focuses on maximizing your damage output while also providing some survivability. The primary weapon for this build is the Assault Rifle, which allows for long-range attacks and crowd control. Paired with the secondary weapon of Elementalism, you'll have access to powerful AoE attacks that can take out multiple enemies at once.

To start off, you'll want to focus on the Assault Rifle's Burst Fire ability, which deals a high amount of damage in a short amount of time. You'll also want to invest in the Controlled Shooting passive ability, which increases your critical hit chance and damage. This will allow you to deal even more damage with each shot.

Next, we move onto the Elementalism aspect of the build. The primary skill to focus on here is Fireball, which deals massive amounts of damage to a single target. You'll also want to invest in the Volatile Current passive ability, which increases your critical hit chance and damage with Elementalism abilities.

But what about survivability? While dealing damage is important, you also need to be able to take hits and stay alive. That's where the Shotgun comes in. By equipping the Shotgun as your active auxiliary weapon, you'll have access to powerful defensive abilities like Escalation and Kneecapper that can slow down enemies and give you some breathing room.

In addition to the weapons, you'll also want to invest in the right passives and abilities to optimize your DPS. The High Explosives passive ability increases the damage of your grenades and rockets, while the Bombardment ability allows you to fire grenades at multiple enemies at once.

But that's not all. The Lethality passive ability increases your critical hit chance and damage with Assault Rifle abilities, while the Firestorm ability allows you to deal AoE damage with Elementalism attacks.

Transitioning to the gear, the best armor set for this build is the Flak Jacket. This set provides bonuses to Assault Rifle and Shotgun abilities, as well as increased health and protection against physical damage.

For talismans, you'll want to focus on increasing your critical hit chance and damage, as well as boosting your health and protection. The best talismans for this build are the Savage talismans, which increase your critical hit chance and damage, and the Fortified talismans, which increase your health and protection.

So there you have it, the best DPS build for Secret World Legends. With the right combination of weapons, passives, abilities, and gear, you'll be able to deal massive amounts of damage while also staying alive in even the toughest battles. Give it a try and see for yourself!


The Secret World Legends is a popular MMORPG game that requires players to choose the right build to survive and fight effectively. The best DPS (Damage per second) build for the game is a combination of skills, weapons, and gear that maximizes damage output while minimizing damage taken. In this article, we will discuss the best DPS build for Secret World Legends.



Pistols are an excellent choice for DPS builds because they offer high rates of fire and critical hits. They also have some powerful abilities that can help players deal significant damage to enemies. One such ability is 'Hair Trigger', which increases the critical hit chance by 10% for 8 seconds. Another great ability is 'Dual Shot', which allows players to fire two shots at once, thus increasing damage output.

Assault Rifles

Assault rifles are another great weapon choice for DPS builds. They offer a good balance of range and power, making them ideal for taking down enemies quickly. The 'Full Auto' ability is particularly useful as it fires a burst of bullets at the enemy, dealing significant damage in a short amount of time. 'Anima Burst' is another great ability that deals AOE damage to all enemies within a certain radius.



Elementalism is one of the most potent skill trees in the game. It offers a wide range of abilities that deal significant damage to enemies. The 'Fireball' ability is particularly useful as it deals high amounts of fire damage to a single target. 'Blizzard' is another great ability that deals AOE damage to all enemies within a certain radius.

Blood Magic

Blood Magic is another great skill tree for DPS builds. It offers abilities that drain health from enemies and heal the player, making them more resilient in battle. The 'Haemorrhage' ability is particularly useful as it deals significant damage to the enemy and drains their health over time. 'Bloodshot' is another great ability that causes AOE damage to all enemies within a certain radius while healing the player.



The gear you choose can make a significant difference in your DPS output. It's essential to choose weapons with high damage output and critical hit rates. Another critical factor is the quality of the weapon. Higher-quality weapons deal more damage and have better stats than lower-quality ones.


Talismans are another important gear item that can help you boost your DPS. They offer passive abilities that increase your damage output or provide other buffs to your character. It's essential to choose talismans that complement your weapon skills and abilities. For example, if you're using pistols, you might want to choose talismans that increase critical hit rates or damage output.


The best DPS build for Secret World Legends is a combination of skills, weapons, and gear that maximize damage output while minimizing damage taken. Players should choose weapons with high damage output and critical hit rates, select skills that deal significant damage to enemies, and choose gear that complements their weapons and abilities. By following these tips, players can create a powerful DPS build that can take down even the toughest enemies in the game.

Introduction to Secret World Legends Best DPS Build

Secret World Legends is a fascinating MMORPG game that has been gaining popularity over the years. One of the most important aspects of the game is the ability to deal damage to enemies, also known as DPS (Damage Per Second). Every player wants to be able to defeat enemies quickly and efficiently, and this is where DPS builds come in. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best DPS build for Secret World Legends.

Understanding the Importance of DPS in Secret World Legends

DPS is critical in Secret World Legends because it determines how quickly you can defeat enemies. The faster you can defeat enemies, the quicker you can progress through the game. Additionally, some missions have a time limit, which means that you need to deal damage as quickly as possible to complete them on time.Furthermore, DPS is essential in group play because it contributes significantly to the overall damage output of the team. As a result, players with high DPS builds are highly sought after in group play.

Choosing the Right Weapon for Your Build

One of the most crucial decisions you will make when creating a DPS build in Secret World Legends is choosing the right weapon. Each weapon has its unique abilities and playstyle, so it's essential to choose one that suits your preferences and playstyle.For example, if you prefer a ranged playstyle, then the Assault Rifle or Elementalism might be suitable for you. Alternatively, if you prefer a more melee-oriented playstyle, then the Blade or Hammer might be more suitable.

Talisman and Glyph Choices for Optimum Damage Output

Once you have selected your weapon, the next step is to choose the right Talismans and Glyphs to maximize your damage output. Talismans provide passive bonuses to your character, while Glyphs enhance your abilities.For example, if you are using the Assault Rifle, then you might choose to equip Talismans that increase your critical hit chance and Glyphs that enhance your Burst Fire ability. Alternatively, if you are using Elementalism, then you might choose to equip Talismans that increase your damage output and Glyphs that enhance your Incendiary Grenade ability.

Passive Abilities to Enhance Your DPS Build

In addition to Talismans and Glyphs, Passive Abilities are also crucial for enhancing your DPS build. Passive Abilities provide permanent bonuses to your character and can significantly improve your damage output.For example, if you are using the Blade weapon, then you might choose to invest in the Frenzy passive ability, which increases your critical hit chance and critical hit severity. Alternatively, if you are using the Hammer weapon, then you might choose to invest in the Heavy Hitter passive ability, which increases your attack rating.

Active Abilities for Burst Damage and Crowd Control

Active Abilities are another essential component of any DPS build. These abilities are used during combat and can be used to deal burst damage or control crowds of enemies.For example, if you are using the Blade weapon, then you might choose to use the Blade Torrent ability for burst damage or the Paradox ability for crowd control. Alternatively, if you are using the Elementalism weapon, then you might choose to use the Fireball ability for burst damage or the Flash Freeze ability for crowd control.

Understanding the Role of Critical Hits in DPS Builds

Critical hits are another critical aspect of DPS builds in Secret World Legends. Critical hits deal significantly more damage than normal hits, so increasing your critical hit chance and critical hit severity is essential for maximizing your damage output.One way to increase your critical hit chance is to invest in passive abilities that increase it. Additionally, some Talismans and Glyphs also increase critical hit chance. On the other hand, to increase your critical hit severity, you can invest in passive abilities that increase it or equip Talismans and Glyphs that enhance critical hits.

Tips for Managing Your Resources Effectively

Managing your resources effectively is crucial for maintaining a high DPS output. In Secret World Legends, resources include energy, rage, and anima. Each weapon has a unique resource system, so it's essential to understand how your weapon's resource system works.One way to manage your resources effectively is to use abilities that generate energy or rage while dealing damage. Additionally, you can invest in passive abilities that increase your resource generation or reduce the cost of abilities.

Group Play Strategies for DPS Builds

In group play, DPS builds are essential for contributing to the overall damage output of the team. However, it's also essential to coordinate with your team members to maximize efficiency.One strategy is to focus on different enemies to avoid overlapping damage. For example, if one teammate focuses on the boss, then another teammate can focus on the adds. Additionally, communication is critical in group play, so make sure to communicate with your teammates to coordinate your attacks effectively.

Constantly Refining Your Build for Maximum Efficiency

Finally, to achieve the best DPS build in Secret World Legends, it's essential to continually refine your build for maximum efficiency. Experiment with different Talismans, Glyphs, and abilities to find the combination that works best for you.Additionally, stay up-to-date with patches and updates to ensure that your build remains effective. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for advice from other players or seek out resources online to improve your DPS build.


In conclusion, DPS is a crucial aspect of Secret World Legends, and having the best DPS build can significantly improve your gameplay experience. Understanding the importance of DPS, choosing the right weapon, using the right Talismans and Glyphs, investing in passive abilities, and using the right active abilities are all critical components of a successful DPS build. Additionally, managing your resources effectively, coordinating with your team members, and constantly refining your build are essential for maximum efficiency. By following these tips, you can create the best DPS build for Secret World Legends and dominate enemies with ease.

Secret World Legends Best DPS Build

Point of View

As an avid player of Secret World Legends, I have tried and tested various DPS builds to find the best one. After much experimentation, I have come to the conclusion that the best DPS build in Secret World Legends is the Hammer/Elementalism build.


  • The Hammer/Elementalism build offers high damage output, making it ideal for PvE content.
  • The build also provides good survivability, thanks to the Hammer's defensive abilities.
  • The Elementalism abilities offer great AoE damage, making it perfect for clearing out groups of enemies.
  • The build is flexible and can be customized according to the player's preferences.
  • The Hammer/Elementalism build is relatively easy to learn and use effectively.


  • The Hammer/Elementalism build may not be the best choice for PvP content, as it lacks mobility and burst damage.
  • The build relies heavily on energy management, which can be challenging for new players.
  • The Hammer/Elementalism build may not be the most optimal DPS build for end-game content, as other builds may offer higher damage output.

Table Comparison

DPS Build Pros Cons
Hammer/Elementalism - High damage output
- Good survivability
- Great AoE damage
- Customizable
- Easy to learn
- Not ideal for PvP
- Energy management can be challenging
- Other builds may offer higher damage output for end-game content
Assault Rifle/Pistols - Good range
- High single-target damage
- Good burst damage
- Healing abilities
- Low AoE damage
- Energy management can be challenging
- Requires good positioning
Shotgun/Chaos - High burst damage
- Good survivability
- Crowd control abilities
- Good for solo play
- Low sustained damage
- Limited range
- Requires good timing
In conclusion, the Hammer/Elementalism build is the best DPS build in Secret World Legends for PvE content. While it may have its drawbacks, such as energy management and lack of mobility for PvP, the build offers high damage output, good survivability, and great AoE damage. However, players should experiment with different builds to find the one that suits their playstyle and preferences.

Unlocking the Best DPS Build in Secret World Legends

Greetings dear visitors! As you explore the dark and mysterious world of Secret World Legends, it is crucial to have the right build to survive the onslaught of enemies that await you. In this article, we have taken the time to carefully analyze the best DPS builds that will help you obliterate your foes and emerge victorious.

One of the most important aspects of any DPS build is selecting the right weapons. Your weapons are the primary source of damage, and selecting the right ones can make all the difference. For instance, if you prefer a ranged approach, the Assault Rifle and Elementalism combination is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you prefer a melee approach, the Blade and Chaos Magic combination offers a unique blend of mobility and damage output.

Another critical factor to consider when building a DPS character is your passives. Passives are abilities that are always active and provide significant boosts to your character's overall performance. For example, the Deadly Aim passive provides a 6% increase in critical hit chance, while the Unstoppable passive increases your character's movement speed by 10%.

When it comes to selecting active abilities, it's essential to choose skills that complement your weapons and passives. For example, the Full Auto skill from the Assault Rifle tree is an excellent choice for those who prefer a ranged approach, as it deals high damage over time and can be used while moving. Similarly, the Dancing Blade skill from the Blade tree is perfect for those who prefer a melee approach, as it allows you to attack multiple targets simultaneously.

However, it's not just about selecting the right abilities; it's also essential to use them effectively. By using your abilities in the right order and at the right time, you can maximize your damage output and defeat enemies quickly. For example, using the Incendiary Grenade skill from the Assault Rifle tree to apply a DoT effect before switching to Full Auto can significantly increase your damage output.

Another key aspect of building a successful DPS character is selecting the right gear. Your gear can provide significant boosts to your character's stats and abilities, and selecting the right gear for your build is crucial. For example, the Headhunter Jacket provides a 15% increase in critical hit chance, while the Harvester of Sorrow gloves increase your damage output by 10% when attacking targets below 35% health.

It's also essential to consider the glyphs and signets you use on your gear. Glyphs enhance your gear's stats, while signets provide unique bonuses to your character's abilities. For example, using the Virulent glyph on your weapon increases your critical hit chance by 4%, while equipping the Signet of Thirst on your character increases your healing received by 10%.

As you progress through the game and gain more experience, it's important to refine your build and adapt it to your playstyle. Experimenting with different weapons, abilities, passives, gear, glyphs, and signets can help you find the perfect combination for your character.

Finally, it's worth noting that having a strong DPS build is not the only factor in determining your success in Secret World Legends. Understanding the mechanics of the game, mastering your abilities, and working effectively with your teammates are all crucial components of achieving victory.

In conclusion, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into building the best DPS character in Secret World Legends. Remember to choose the right weapons, passives, active abilities, gear, glyphs, and signets, and experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

People Also Ask About Secret World Legends Best DPS Build

What is a DPS build in Secret World Legends?

A DPS (Damage Per Second) build in Secret World Legends is a character build that focuses on dealing high amounts of damage to enemies. It usually involves selecting abilities and gear that increase the character's offensive capabilities.

What are the best weapons for a DPS build in Secret World Legends?

The best weapons for a DPS build in Secret World Legends are those that deal high amounts of damage quickly. Some of the top weapon choices include:

  • Pistols
  • Assault Rifles
  • Shotguns
  • Fists

Which class is best for a DPS build in Secret World Legends?

There is no one best class for a DPS build in Secret World Legends, as each class has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, some of the most popular classes for DPS builds include:

  • Assassin
  • Warrior
  • Mage
  • Gunslinger

What abilities should I use for a DPS build in Secret World Legends?

The abilities you choose for your DPS build in Secret World Legends will depend on your preferred playstyle and weapons. However, some of the most effective DPS abilities include:

  1. Death From Above (Assault Rifles)
  2. Dual Shot (Pistols)
  3. Shotgun Blast (Shotguns)
  4. Dragon's Breath (Fists)

What gear should I use for a DPS build in Secret World Legends?

The gear you choose for your DPS build in Secret World Legends should focus on increasing your offensive capabilities. Look for items that provide bonuses to your weapons' damage, critical hit chance, and penetration. Some gear sets that are popular for DPS builds include:

  • The Flak Jacket set (Pistols/Assault Rifles)
  • The Shemagh set (Shotguns/Fists)
  • The Siren's Song set (Magic)
  • The Gunslinger set (Pistols)