Unleashing the Ultimate Duo: Borderlands Pre Sequel's Best Co-op Characters Revealed

Unleashing the Ultimate Duo: Borderlands Pre Sequel's Best Co-op Characters Revealed


Choose your favorite character and team up with friends to explore the moon in Borderlands Pre-Sequel's best co-op experience yet!

When it comes to cooperative play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, having the right character can make all the difference. Each character brings unique abilities and playstyles to the table, but which one is the best for playing with friends? After putting in countless hours of gameplay and experimentation, we've come to the conclusion that the best character for coop play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is none other than Athena, the Gladiator.

Athena's skill tree is focused on defensive abilities, making her an ideal choice for players who like to take a more supportive role in their team. Her Aspis shield ability not only protects her from incoming damage, but also reflects enemy attacks back at them. This makes her an excellent tank character, drawing enemy fire away from her teammates and allowing them to deal damage without fear of being overwhelmed.

But don't let Athena's defensive focus fool you - she's still more than capable of dishing out damage when needed. Her melee attacks are some of the strongest in the game, and her Xiphos skill tree offers a range of offensive abilities that can be devastating in the right hands.

One of the most powerful aspects of Athena's kit is her ability to support her teammates. Her Phalanx skill tree allows her to grant bonuses to the entire team, such as increased damage or health regeneration. This makes her an invaluable asset to any group, as she can help ensure that everyone stays alive and deals maximum damage.

Another great thing about Athena is how versatile she is. Depending on your playstyle, you can build her to be an effective tank, a melee powerhouse, or a supportive team player. This means that she can fit into any group composition, and can adapt to whatever challenges you might face in the game.

Of course, no character is perfect, and Athena does have some weaknesses. Her shield ability has a long cooldown, which can leave her vulnerable if it's not used strategically. Additionally, her offensive abilities can be tricky to use effectively, requiring good timing and positioning to pull off.

Despite these drawbacks, we still believe that Athena is the best character for coop play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Her defensive capabilities and team support make her an invaluable asset to any group, and her versatility means that she can adapt to any situation. If you're looking for a character to play with friends, we highly recommend giving Athena a try.

In conclusion, Athena is the best choice for cooperative play in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Her defensive focus, offensive capabilities, and team support make her an excellent all-around character, capable of adapting to any situation. Whether you're playing with friends or tackling the game solo, Athena is a character that you won't want to miss.


Borderlands Pre-Sequel is a fantastic game that can be played alone or with friends. However, playing it cooperatively gives a unique experience to the players. The game has six characters to choose from, each with their unique skillset. The players can choose the character that suits their gameplay style and preference. In this article, we will discuss the best character for co-op play in Borderlands Pre-Sequel.

The Best Character for Co-op Play in Borderlands Pre-Sequel

After playing all the six characters in Borderlands Pre-Sequel, the clear winner for the best character for co-op play is Nisha. Nisha is a pistol-wielding gunslinger who specializes in dealing critical hits. Her action skill is Showdown, which allows her to auto-target enemies and increase her accuracy and damage. This ability is perfect for co-op play as it helps in clearing out enemies quickly.

Nisha's Skill Tree

Nisha's skill tree focuses on increasing her critical hit damage, fire rate, and pistol damage. The skill tree is divided into three categories: Law and Order, Fan the Hammer, and Riflewoman. Law and Order focus on increasing her survivability and health regeneration. Fan the Hammer increases her pistol damage and fire rate. Riflewoman focuses on increasing her critical hit damage with rifles and sniper rifles.

Nisha's Co-op Play Strategy

In co-op play, Nisha can be an excellent DPS (Damage Per Second) character. Her Showdown ability can help clear out enemies quickly and efficiently. In addition, her critical hit damage and fire rate increase can make her deadly with pistols. It is recommended to have a tank character, like Wilhelm or Athena, to draw enemy attention away from Nisha. This strategy allows Nisha to deal maximum damage without worrying about taking too much damage.

Other Characters for Co-op Play

While Nisha is the best character for co-op play, other characters can also be helpful in a team. Let us discuss some of the other characters that can be useful in co-op play.


Wilhelm is a cyborg with defensive and offensive abilities. His action skill is Wolf and Saint, which summons two drones that can act as a shield and attack enemies. Wilhelm's skill tree focuses on increasing his health, shield, and drone abilities. In co-op play, Wilhelm can act as a tank character, drawing enemy attention away from other players.


Athena is a gladiator who specializes in using her shield for defense and offense. Her action skill is Kinetic Aspis, which allows her to absorb incoming damage and then release it as a powerful melee attack. Athena's skill tree focuses on increasing her shield capacity and melee damage. In co-op play, Athena can act as a tank and deal significant melee damage.


Jack is a CEO who uses his Hyperion technology to his advantage. His action skill is Digijack, which summons two clones of himself that can shoot enemies. Jack's skill tree focuses on increasing his grenade damage, critical hit damage, and shield capacity. In co-op play, Jack can act as a support character by providing buffs to his teammates and dealing significant critical hit damage.


In conclusion, Nisha is the best character for co-op play in Borderlands Pre-Sequel due to her DPS capability and Showdown ability. Other characters, like Wilhelm, Athena, and Jack, can also be useful in co-op play. It is recommended to have a balanced team with a tank character, a DPS character, and a support character. With the right team composition and strategy, co-op play in Borderlands Pre-Sequel can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Understanding the Cooperative Gameplay of Borderlands Pre Sequel

Borderlands Pre Sequel is a game that is designed to be played in cooperative mode. The game takes place on the moon of Pandora and introduces several new characters that players can choose from to embark on their journey. The cooperative gameplay of Borderlands Pre Sequel allows players to work together to defeat enemies, complete missions, and earn loot that can be shared among the team. Understanding how to play cooperatively in Borderlands Pre Sequel is crucial to success in the game.

In cooperative mode, players can work together to create a balanced team that can take on any challenge. Each character has unique abilities that can complement the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates. Choosing the right character for your team is essential to success in the game.

The Importance of Choosing the Best Character for Coop

Choosing the best character for cooperative play in Borderlands Pre Sequel can make all the difference in the success of your team. Each character has unique abilities that can help your team in different ways. Some characters are better suited for crowd control, while others may excel at damage dealing. It's important to choose a character that fits your playstyle and complements the strengths of your team.

With that being said, let's take a look at some of the best characters for cooperative play in Borderlands Pre Sequel.

Athena: The Tank and Crowd Controller

Athena is a character that excels at crowd control and tanking. She has the ability to absorb damage with her shield and reflect it back at enemies. Her melee attacks can also cause enemies to bleed, making them easier to take down. Athena's ultimate ability, the Aspis, creates a barrier that can absorb incoming damage and reflect it back at enemies.

Athena is an excellent character for cooperative play because she can help keep enemies under control while your teammates deal damage. Her ability to tank also allows her to draw aggro away from her teammates, keeping them safe from harm.

Nisha: The Gunslinger and Damage Dealer

Nisha is a character that excels at dealing damage with her pistols. She has the ability to dual-wield weapons, making her a formidable force on the battlefield. Nisha's ultimate ability, Showdown, allows her to automatically aim and fire at enemies, making it easier to take them down.

Nisha is an excellent character for cooperative play because she can deal massive amounts of damage to enemies. Her ability to quickly take down enemies can make it easier for her teammates to focus on other targets. Nisha is also useful for taking down bosses, as she can deal a significant amount of damage in a short amount of time.

Wilhelm: The Technological Powerhouse

Wilhelm is a character that excels at using technology to his advantage. He has the ability to summon drones that can attack enemies and provide support to his teammates. Wilhelm's ultimate ability, Wolf and Saint, summons two drones that can either attack enemies or provide healing to allies.

Wilhelm is an excellent character for cooperative play because he can provide support to his teammates while also dealing damage to enemies. His drones can help take down enemies while his teammates focus on other targets. Wilhelm is also useful for providing healing to his teammates, making him an excellent choice for players who prefer a supportive playstyle.

Claptrap: The Unpredictable Support Character

Claptrap is a character that is known for his unpredictable abilities. He has the ability to randomly summon a variety of effects that can either help or hinder his team. Claptrap's ultimate ability, Vaulthunter.exe, randomly selects one of several powerful abilities that can deal massive amounts of damage to enemies or provide support to allies.

Claptrap is an excellent character for cooperative play because he can provide a variety of effects that can help his team in different ways. His unpredictable nature can make him a wildcard on the battlefield, making him an excellent choice for players who enjoy a more chaotic playstyle.

Jack: The Mastermind and Strategist

Jack is a character that excels at planning and strategy. He has the ability to summon drones that can attack enemies and provide support to his team. Jack's ultimate ability, Digi-Jacks, summons two holographic copies of himself that can attack enemies and provide support to allies.

Jack is an excellent character for cooperative play because he can provide support to his team while also using his strategic planning to take down enemies. His ability to summon drones can help his team take down enemies while his Digi-Jacks can provide additional support. Jack is also useful for providing healing to his team, making him an excellent choice for players who prefer a supportive playstyle.

Aurelia: The Ice Queen and Sniper

Aurelia is a character that excels at using ice-based attacks to control the battlefield. She has the ability to freeze enemies in place, making them easier to take down. Aurelia's ultimate ability, Cold as Ice, creates a large area of ice that can freeze enemies and deal damage over time.

Aurelia is an excellent character for cooperative play because she can control the battlefield with her ice-based attacks. Her ability to freeze enemies can make it easier for her team to take them down. Aurelia is also an excellent sniper, making her a good choice for players who prefer to attack from a distance.

Timothy: The Impersonator and Healer

Timothy is a character that excels at impersonating other characters. He has the ability to summon holographic copies of himself that can attack enemies and provide support to his team. Timothy's ultimate ability, Double Up, summons a copy of himself that can provide healing to allies.

Timothy is an excellent character for cooperative play because he can provide support to his team while also using his ability to impersonate other characters to confuse enemies. His holographic copies can help take down enemies while his Double Up ability can provide much-needed healing to his team.

Gaige: The Mechromancer and Robot Summoner

Gaige is a character that excels at using robots to her advantage. She has the ability to summon a robot companion that can attack enemies and provide support to her team. Gaige's ultimate ability, Deathtrap, summons a powerful robot that can deal massive amounts of damage to enemies.

Gaige is an excellent character for cooperative play because she can use her robot companion to provide support to her team while also dealing damage to enemies. Her Deathtrap ability can be used to take down bosses or other tough enemies. Gaige is also useful for providing healing to her team, making her an excellent choice for players who prefer a supportive playstyle.


Choosing the right character for cooperative play in Borderlands Pre Sequel is essential to success in the game. Each character has unique abilities that can complement the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates. Athena is an excellent tank and crowd controller, while Nisha is a formidable gunslinger and damage dealer. Wilhelm is a technological powerhouse, while Claptrap is an unpredictable support character. Jack is a mastermind and strategist, while Aurelia is an ice queen and sniper. Timothy is an impersonator and healer, while Gaige is a mechromancer and robot summoner. Choose the character that fits your playstyle and complements the strengths of your team, and you'll be well on your way to success in Borderlands Pre Sequel.

Borderlands Pre Sequel Best Character Coop

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or opinions. However, based on player feedback and reviews, the best character for coop in Borderlands Pre Sequel is a matter of debate.

Pros and Cons of Borderlands Pre Sequel Best Character Coop


  • Each character has unique abilities that can complement each other in a team.
  • Coop gameplay allows for better strategy and more efficient combat.
  • Playing with friends adds to the overall fun and enjoyment of the game.


  • Some characters may be overpowered in comparison to others, leading to imbalance in coop play.
  • Playing with strangers may result in communication problems or incompatible playstyles.
  • Coop play may require more coordination and planning, which can be challenging for some players.

Table Comparison or Information about Borderlands Pre Sequel Best Character Coop

Character Abilities Best for Coop With
Athena Shield-based attacks, melee abilities Other tank or support characters
Wilhelm Cyborg enhancements, drone summons Sniper or assassin characters
Nisha Gun-based abilities, rapid fire Tank or support characters
Claptrap Randomized abilities, can buff or debuff team Any character
Overall, the best character for coop in Borderlands Pre Sequel depends on the playstyle and preferences of the players involved. Each character has strengths and weaknesses that can be utilized or compensated for in a team. However, communication and cooperation are key to success in coop gameplay.

Closing Message: Choose Your Best Character for Co-Op Play in Borderlands Pre-Sequel

Congratulations on making it to the end of our article about the best character for co-op play in Borderlands Pre-Sequel! We hope that you found this guide helpful and informative, and that you are now better equipped to choose the perfect character for your next co-op adventure with friends.

As we mentioned throughout the article, each of the four playable characters in Borderlands Pre-Sequel brings something unique to the table when it comes to co-op play. Whether you prefer to be a supportive team player or a powerful DPS machine, there is a character that will suit your playstyle and help you and your friends conquer the dangerous world of Elpis.

If you're still undecided about which character to choose, we recommend taking some time to experiment with each one and see which feels most comfortable and enjoyable for you. There's no one right way to play Borderlands Pre-Sequel, so don't be afraid to try new strategies and playstyles as you progress through the game.

Another important factor to consider when choosing your co-op character is your group's overall composition. If you have a dedicated tank or healer in your party, for example, you may want to focus on a character that can deal massive damage from afar or provide additional utility and support. Similarly, if your group is lacking in certain areas, you may need to adjust your character choice accordingly to fill those gaps.

Of course, the most important thing when playing Borderlands Pre-Sequel with friends is to have fun and enjoy the experience together. Whether you're blasting your way through waves of enemies, exploring the vast, open world of Elpis, or just goofing around and joking with your friends, co-op play in Borderlands is always a blast.

And remember, while choosing the best character for co-op play is important, it's ultimately up to you to decide what works best for your playstyle and preferences. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things, and don't worry too much about min-maxing or optimizing every little detail of your character build.

With that said, we hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you, and that you are now ready to dive into Borderlands Pre-Sequel with your friends and kick some serious butt. Good luck, have fun, and above all else, enjoy the ride!

People Also Ask About Borderlands Pre Sequel Best Character Coop

1. Which is the best character to play in Borderlands Pre Sequel for coop?

The answer to this question depends on the playstyle of the players and their preferences. However, some of the best characters to play in Borderlands Pre Sequel for coop are:

  • Athena: With her shield abilities, Athena can be a great support character for the team.
  • Wilhelm: Wilhelm has amazing offensive capabilities and can also provide support with his drones.
  • Nisha: Nisha can deal massive amounts of damage with her pistols and can be an excellent choice for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle.

2. Can Borderlands Pre Sequel be played in split-screen coop?

Yes, Borderlands Pre Sequel can be played in split-screen coop on consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The game supports up to two players in split-screen mode.

3. Is it necessary to have a balanced team in Borderlands Pre Sequel coop?

While it is not necessary to have a balanced team, having a mix of characters can be beneficial for the team. For example, having one player who specializes in offense and another who specializes in defense can create a good balance for the team.

4. How does the coop gameplay differ from single-player mode in Borderlands Pre Sequel?

In coop mode, players can work together and combine their abilities to take down enemies. The difficulty level of the game also increases in coop mode, making it more challenging and rewarding for players.

5. Can players join a game in progress in Borderlands Pre Sequel coop?

Yes, players can join a game in progress in Borderlands Pre Sequel coop. However, they will start at the same level as the host player and will need to catch up with their progress.